Tol Trans Jawa, Pembebasan Lahan Baru Capai 51,4%
Land Acquisition for Trans-Java Toll Road Project only Reaches 51.4%
Reporter : Gatot Priyantono
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Jakarta (B2B) - Kemajuan proses pembebasan lahan untuk proyek tol Trans Jawa berjalan lambat. Hingga kini dilaporkan baru sekitar 51,4% dari total kebutuhan tanah 5.150 hektare yang sudah berhasil dibebaskan. Dari 9 ruas tol Trans Jawa, hanya ruas tol Cikopo-Palimanan yang proses pengadaan tanahnya telah rampung seluruhnya.
Direktur Bina Teknik Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, Suharyadi mengakui, banyak hambatan dalam proses pembebasan tanah untuk keperluan pembangunan jalan tol di Indonesia. Salah satunya ketidaksetujuan pemilik tanah atas nilai penggantian tanah yang ditetapkan tim penaksir harga independen.
“Nilai appraisal sudah cukup layak, harga sudah baik,” ujarnya di Jakarta, Kamis.
Menurut data Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga, sejak 2007 sudah Rp 4,04 triliun dana yang dikeluarkan untuk membebaskan tanah seluas 2.647 hektare. Estimasi kebutuhan dana untuk pembebasan seluruh lahan tol Trans Jawa diperkirakan mencapai Rp7,23 triliun.
Jakarta (B2B) - Land acquisition for Trans-Java toll road project only reaches 51.4 percent or equal to 2,502.9 hectares of land. The process is still hampered by community who object the estimated land value to be sold to the government.
Director of Technical Affairs Directorate General of Highways, Ministry of Public Works, Suharyadi admit, many constraints in the process of land acquisition for the construction of toll roads in Indonesia. One of these, the landowner's refusal on the ground that the replacement value estimator teams set prices independently.
"Appraisal value is enough decent, the price is good," he said in Jakarta on Thursday.
According to data from the Directorate General of Highways, since 2007 was Rp 4.04 trillion in funds spent to free up the land area of 2,647 hectares. Estimates of funding needs for the liberation of all lands Trans Java toll estimated at Rp 7, 23 trillion.