Polri Sebut Pelaku Bom Bunuh Diri Medan Berstatus Mahasiswa
Student Bomber Dies in Attack outside Police Office in Indonesia
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
KEPOLISIAN RI [Polri] menyatakan 'pelaku bom bunuh diri' di Markas Polrestabes Medan, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara, Rabu [13/11] adalah seorang mahasiswa usia 24 tahun, RMN, yang tewas setelah meledakkan bom, telah melukai enam orang, yang berlangsung hanya sebulan setelah seorang militan Islam menyerang Menko Polhukam Wiranto di Banten.
Kepala Biro Penerangan Masyarakat Divisi Humas Polri Brigjen (Pol) Dedi Prasetyo mengatakan pelaku bom bunuh diri adalah mahasiswa yang disebut sebagai lone wolf [pelaku tunggal], dan Polri masih menyelidiki apakah pelaku memiliki hubungan dengan kelompok radikal tertentu.
Indonesia, negara berpenduduk mayoritas Muslim terbesar di dunia, telah mengalami kebangkitan kelompok radikal domestik dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, dan polisi kerap menjadi target serangan terorisme.
Dedi Prasetyo mengatakan empat petugas polisi dan dua warga, yang salah satunya adalah seorang pegawai polisi, terluka oleh ledakan di sebuah tempat parkir mobil di Markas Poltabes Medan pada Kamis pagi sekitar pukul 08:45 waktu setempat.
"Semua potongan bom yang ditemukan di tempat kejadian akan diuji oleh laboratorium forensik untuk menentukan jenis bom," kata Dedi Prasetyo kepada konferensi pers, seraya mengatakan bahwa paku, kabel, tombol sakelar dan bagian tubuh tersangka telah ditemukan.
Unit anti-terorisme Indonesia, Densus 88, sedang menyelidiki apakah pelaku memiliki hubungan dengan kelompok radikal seperti Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) yang diilhami oleh ISIS, yang telah melakukan serangkaian serangan di Indonesia, katanya.
Tayangan berita televisi menunjukkan asap dan serpihan-serpihan yang datang dari tempat parkir dan orang-orang bergegas keluar dari gedung-gedung di sekitar kantor polisi setelah ledakan.
"Pelaku kejahatan dan kelompok teroris akan dikejar, ditangkap, dan dibawa ke pengadilan oleh hukum kami," kata Fadjroel Rahman, juru bicara Presiden Joko Widodo dalam sebuah pernyataan, yang dikutip oleh media.
Operator bandara Indonesia Angkasa Pura II mengatakan pihaknya telah memperketat keamanan di 19 bandara setelah pemboman.
Tersangka penyerang, yang mengenakan jaket pengemudi ojek online dan membawa ransel punggung, diyakini mengikat bom itu ke tubuhnya, kata Prasetyo. Sebelumnya, seorang juru bicara kepolisian Polrestabes Medan mengatakan tersangka memeriksa tasnya sebelum memasuki tempat parkir di dekat daerah di mana banyak warga yang datang ke kantor polisi untuk mendapatkan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian [SKCK] seperti dikutip Reuters yang dilansir MailOnline.
A 24-YEAR-OLD university student blew himself up outside police headquarters in the Indonesian city of Medan on Wednesday, wounding six people, just a month after an Islamist militant attacked a former security minister.
National police spokesman Dedi Prasetyo said the student was a "lone wolf" suicide bomber, although authorities were still investigating whether he had links to any militant groups.
Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, has suffered a resurgence in homegrown militancy in recent years, with police frequently the target of attacks.
Prasetyo said four police officers and two civilians, one of whom was a police employee, were wounded by the blast in a car park at Medan police headquarters shortly before 9:00 a.m.(0200 GMT).
"All pieces found at the scene will be tested by a forensic lab to determine the type of bomb," Prasetyo told a news conference, noting that nails, cables, a switch button and the suspect's body parts had been recovered.
Indonesia's anti-terrorism unit, Densus 88, was investigating whether the bomber had any links to a radical group like the Islamic State-inspired Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), which has carried out a series of attacks in the country, he said.
Television broadcast images showed smoke and a shower of fragments coming from the parking lot area and people rushing out of buildings around the headquarters after the blast.
"Perpetrators and terrorist groups will be chased, captured, and brought to justice by our law," Fadjroel Rahman, a spokesman for President Joko Widodo said in a statement, cited by media.
Indonesian airport operator Angkasa Pura II said it had tightened security at 19 airports following the bombing.
The suspected attacker, who was wearing a motorcycle taxi driver jacket and had a back pack, is believed to strapped the bomb to his body, Prasetyo said. Earlier, a provincial police spokesman said the suspect had his bag checked before entering the car park near an area where people were queuing for police verification certificates.
The attack comes a month after a suspected Islamist stabbed and wounded Wiranto, Indonesia's former security minister, after he had opened a university building. Wiranto, who like many Indonesians uses just one name, has since been discharged from hospital after undergoing surgery.
The government scrambled to tighten its anti-terrorism laws after a series of suicide bombings linked to the JAD group killed more than 30 people in the city of Surabaya last year.
Foreseeing an increased threat of attacks from Indonesians who joined Islamic State and have begun returning from the Middle East, police have detained hundreds of suspects since the start of the year.
Stanislaus Riyanta, a terrorism expert, said the attack in Medan could be in retaliation for the death of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who killed himself last month during a U.S. commando raid on his compound in Syria.