Siswa Arts Prima International Music School Tampil di Konser Mini
Students of Arts Prima International Music School Perform in Mini Concert
Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Hari Utomo
Translator : Intan Permata Sari
Jakarta (B2B) - Sekolah musik terkemuka, Arts Prima International Music School (APIMS) menggelar Mini Concert bertajuk ´Persembahan Murid Buat Guru´ dengan menampilkan bakat siswa dalam bernyanyi dan bermain alat musik.
Ketua Penyelenggara Mini Concert, Itte Yulita mengatakan konsep konser mini berbasis pada Western Art-Music atau klasik dan Conservatory yang merupakan pelatihan musik untuk level universitas, yang mewajibkan siswa untuk menampilkan kebolehannya di hadapan sesama murid, guru dan orang tua siswa.
"Siswa disiapkan untuk menunjukkan kebolehannya di hadapan guru melalui pertunjukan konser sesuai tingkatan sekolah untuk ujian atau pun tampil di depan audiens," kata Itte Yulita kepada pers di sela konser mini APIMS di Jakarta, Minggu siang (25/11).
APIMS memiliki tradisi konser mini untuk mempertunjukkan kemampuan siswa, kata Itte, sesuai tingkatannya di APIMS. Pencapaian kemampuan terbaik tentu membutuhkan kesabaran, kerja keras disertai banyak berlatih.
"Konser mini ini tidak didisain menjadi kontes atau kompetisi tapi semacam festival mini bagi siswa di depan penonton sekaligus kesempatan untuk menunjukkan hasil latihan kepada audiens yang disambut aplaus penonton," ungkap Itte.
Siswa APIMS tampil dalam konser mini tersebut menampilkan piano, gitar, biola drum dan flute. Sementara lagu yang dibawakan antara lain Winter Games karya David Foster, We Will Never Ever Together yang dipopulerkan Taylor Swift, All I Ask of You dari Phantom of the Opera, Sonata in F minor, Op. 2 No.1: 1st Movement karya Bethoven dan Minuet No.1 "Allegro" karya Johan Sebastian Bach serta When You Believe yang dipopulerkan Mariah Carey dan Whitney Houston.
Saat ini APIMS didukung guru musik andal dan terkemuka di bidangnya di antaranya Patrick Burston seorang violis sekaligus menangani kurikulum. Patrick Burston mengenal musik sejak usia belia dan banyak terlibat di sekolah musik terkemuka di Australia.
Jakarta (B2B) - A renowned musical school, Arts Prima International Music School (APIMS), organized mini concert entitled ‘Dedication for Teachers from Students’ by featuring its students’ talents in singing and playing musical instruments.
Head of Mini Concert Organizing Committee, Itte Yulita, said that the concept of mini concert is based on Western art music or classical music and conservatory which are musical trainings for university level, requiring students to perform in front of their peers, teachers, and parents.
“Students are trained to perform their skills before the teachers in a concert show according to school’s examination level or perform before the audience,” said Itte to reporters in the event of APIMS mini concert in Jakarta on Sunday afternoon (25/11).
APIMS has the habit of organizing mini concert to show students’ skill, said Itte, according to their levels in APIMS. Achievement of best ability surely needs patience, hard working, and lots of practices.
“This mini concert is not designed as a contest or competition, but it is a kind of mini festival for students in front of the audience and it becomes an opportunity for them to perform their results of training to the audience and applauded by them,” said Itte.
The students played piano, guitar, violin, flute, and drum in the concert. Some featuring songs were Winter Games by David Foster, We Will Never Ever Together by Taylor Swift, All I Ask of You (Phantom of the Opera), Sonata in F minor, Op. 2 No.1: 1st Movement by Beethoven, Minuet No.1 Allegro by Johan Sebastian Bach, When You Believe, a duet by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston.
Currently APIMS employs renowned and skillful musical teachers such as Patrick Burston, a violist dealing with the curriculum. Patrick learns music since he was a little boy and now he is active in many popular musical schools in Australia.