PPDB, 19.842 Kursi Kosong di Sekolah Negeri DKI Jakarta
State Schools in Jakarta Still Provide Seats for 19,842 Students
Reporter : Rahmat Kartolo
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Kepala Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta, Taufik Yudi Mulyanto mengatakan hampir 20 ribu kursi kosong terdapat di sekolah negeri di DKI Jakarta, mulai dari tingkat sekolah dasar, menengah pertama hingga menengah atas.
"Sisa kursi penerimaan tahap pertama ditambah siswa yang lulus seleksi tapi tidak melapor jumlahnya sekitar 19.842 kursi," kata Taufik ketika dihubungi di Jakarta, Sabtu (6/7).
Dia menambahkan, karena masih sisa kursi maka Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta akan kembali membuka pendaftaran untuk tingkat provinsi.
"Orang tua bisa kembali mendaftar sekolah lintas wilayah, tapi pendaftaran ini khusus bagi siswa yang orang tuanya memiliki KTP DKI Jakarta," ungkapnya lagi.
Jumlah bangku kosong di Jakarta yang terbanyak adalah di sekolah dasar sebanyak 18.684 kursi yang tersebar di 798 sekolah di seluruh Jakarta. "Sebagian besar adalah sekolah petang."
Untuk tingkat SMP, kata Taufik, kursi yang masih tersedia untuk 896 siswa, terdiri dari sisa kursi penerimaan tahap pertama 351 siswa dan siswa yang tidak melapor hingga Jumat (5/7) mencapai 545 orang.
Sedangkan untuk SMA, masih terdapat 175 kursi kosong yang berasal dari siswa yang tidak melapor, sedangkan SMK mencapai 87 kursi kosong.
"Kalau untuk SMP, SMA dan SMK tidak banyak, hanya terdapat di satu hingga lima sekolah saja," kata Taufik.
Pendaftaran untuk tahap ini akan dimulai hari ini, Sabtu (6/7) hingga Rabu pekan depan (10/7). "Orangtua siswa harus memiliki KTP DKI Jakarta."
Jakarta (B2B) - Head of Jakarta Education Agency, Taufik Yudi Mulyanto said nearly 20 thousand empty seats are in public school in Jakarta, from elementary school, middle school, and high school.
"The rest of the seats of the first stage of acceptance plus students who pass the selection, but did not report to school, is around 19,842 seats," Taufik said when contacted in Jakarta, Saturday (6/7).
He added, because there are remaining seats, the Jakarta Education Agency will re-open registration for the provincial level.
"Parents can re-enroll in school across regions, but registration is specifically for students whose parents have a Jakarta ID card," he said again.
Number of empty seats in Jakarta that most are in elementary school as much as 18,684 seats spread over 798 schools across Jakarta. "Most are schools whose students enter the evening."
For the junior high level, said Taufik, seats are still available for 896 students, consisting of the remaining seats acceptance of the first phase of 351 students and students who did not report until Friday (5/7) to reach 545 people.
As for the high school, there are 175 empty seats that come from students who did not report, while vocational schools reached 87 empty seats.
"If for junior high, high school and vocational school is not much, only in one to five schools," said Taufik.
Registration for this phase will begin today, Saturday (6/7) until Wednesday of next week (10/7). "Parents should have a Jakarta ID card."