Rasyid Rajasa, Persidangannya Dipantau Komisi Yudisial

Rasyid Rajasa, His Trial to Monitored by Judicial Commission

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Taswin Bahar
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Rasyid Rajasa, Persidangannya Dipantau Komisi Yudisial
Foto: kabarnet.files.wordpress com

Jakarta (B2B) - Wakil Ketua  Komisi Yudisial (KY) Imam Anshori mengharapkan agar tidak ada perlakuan istimewa terhadap terdakwa Rasyid Amrullah Rajasa selama proses persidangan.
Walaupun Rasyid adalah anak menteri, namun harus tetap menghormati prinsip bahwa semua orang harus diperlakukan sama di depan hukum (equity before the law).

"Kita harapkan penanganan semua kasus seperti ini, sehingga tidak menimbulkan pertanyaan dari masyarakat atau kejanggalan. Bukankah di negara hukum, berlaku equality before the law, semua orang sama di hadapan hukum?" ujar Imam Anshori Saleh kepada pers di Jakarta.

Menurut Imam, KY telah melakukan pemantauan terhadap jalannya persidangan Rasyid. Ia berharap, walau Rasyid adalah anak menteri, hal itu bukan menjadi alasan kasus Rasyid diproses secepat kilat.

"Kalau tiba-tiba dari lambat menjadi cepat untuk anak menteri dan kemudian melambat lagi untuk kasus yang sama, itu namanya janggal dan pandang bulu. Kita lihat nanti paska persidangan Rasyid saja," jelasnya.

Jakarta (B2B) - Deputy Chairman of the Judicial Commission (KY) Imam Anshori expects no special treatment for the accused Rasyid Amrullah Rajasa during the trial. Although Rasyid is the son of the minister, but must respect the principle that all people should be treated equally before the law (equity before the law).

"We expect the handling of all cases like this, so it does not raise questions of the community or irregularities. Was not in the rule of law, equality before the law prevail, all people are equal before the law?" Imam Anshori Saleh told reporters in Jakarta.

According to the Imam, KY has been monitoring the proceedings Rasyid. He hopes, though Rasyid was the son of the minister, it is not the reason the case of Rasyid processed posthaste.

"Then suddenly from slow to fast of child minister and then slowed again for the same case, it's called clumsy and indiscriminate. We'll see Rasyid post-trial," he explained.