Miss World, Hary Tanoe Akui Penyelenggaranya Rugi Besar

Hary Tanoe Admitted Miss World Organizers Suffer Heavy Losses

Reporter : Roni Said
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Miss World, Hary Tanoe Akui Penyelenggaranya Rugi Besar
Foto: tabuhbali.com

Jakarta (B2B) - Panitia penyelenggara Miss World 2013 menyatakan merugi besar sebab seluruh rangkaian kontes ratu kecantikan tersebut harus dipindah ke Bali.

"Tanpa dipindah juga kami sudah rugi, apalagi dipindah karena persiapan tiga tahun harus dikompres dengan persiapan tiga hingga empat hari," kata CEO MNC Group, Hary Tanoesoedibjo dalam jumpa pers di Jakarta, Senin.

Ia menyatakan kerugian materi bukanlah suatu hal utama, dan enggan menyebutkan berapa nilai yang harus ditanggungnya akibat pemindahan tersebut.

Pemindahan rangkaian kegiatan Miss World 2013 tidak hanya mencakup soal kegiatan para peserta, tetapi juga akomodasi para pendukung acara termasuk kerabat dan utusan negara.

Ia mengaku akan membicarakan hal tersebut ke para pihak pendukung acara tersebut.

"Pokoknya fokus sekarang adalah menyelamatkan acara ini supaya nama Indonesia tetap baik. Boleh ada masalah di dalam negeri, tapi di luar negeri harus tetap jaga kewibawaan sebagai bangsa," tuturnya.

Kontes kecantikan sedunia itu diikuti oleh 129 peserta, dan disiarkan ke 186 negara di seluruh dunia, dan semula malam puncaknya akan diselenggarakan di Sentul, Jawa Barat

Hary mengklaim inilah acara terbesar yang diliput oleh seluruh dunia sehingga diharapkan bisa mengangkat citra bangsa dan mempromosikan pariwisata Indonesia.

Perhelatan kontes kecantikan itu mengundang pro dan kontra. Ormas Islam menolak ajang Miss World digelar di Indonesia. Gelombang unjuk rasa menolak acara tersebut terus bergulir hingga saat ini.

Jakarta (B2B) -  The organizers of the Miss World beauty pageant have complained of heavy losses following the relocation of all activities associated with the event to Bali.

"Even without the relocation, we would have suffered losses and will have further losses if all the activities are moved to Bali. Preparations that take three years have to be redone in three to four days," Chief Executive Officer of MNC Group, the sponsor of the event, Hary Tanoesoedibjo said here on Monday.

However, he noted that the loss of materials was not the main problem in relocating the beauty contest to Bali.

He pointed out that the relocation would affect not only the activities but also the accommodation facilities for all the contestants and their supporters, including officers and state representatives.

Hary was unprepared for the total value of the losses he would incur as a result of the change in venue for the Miss World contest.

He said he would discuss the matter with all parties involved in the event. "The main focus now should be to secure the event so that Indonesia`s image is not tarnished. Problems can occur at home, but the nation`s image abroad should be properly maintained," he stated.

The Miss World beauty contest was previously scheduled to be held in Sentul, Bogor, West Java. However, since the proposal had sparked indignation and pressure from various corners, the decision was made to move all the Miss World activities to Bali.

The Miss World pageant will witness participation from 129 contestants, and the event will be broadcast to 186 countries.

Hary claimed the Miss World pageant is the world`s largest, most popular event, and it is expected to boost Indonesia`s image and promote tourism to the country.