Presiden SBY Desak Australia Klarifikasi Pemberitaan di Wikileaks

Indonesian President Asks Australia about Wikileaks Latest Report

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Presiden SBY Desak Australia Klarifikasi Pemberitaan di Wikileaks
Presiden SBY (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Menyikapi pemberitaan Wikileaks yang menyatakan bahwa Presiden RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) diduga terlibat korupsi multi juta dolar, SBY langsung memberikan pernyataan resmi. Menurutnya, pemberitaan tersebut tidak mendasarkan pada berita berimbang karena tidak mengkonfirmasi kepadanya.

"Kita kembali dikejutkan berita oleh Wikileaks kemudian dilansir oleh Diberitakan bahwa situs Wikileaks mengungkap dugaan korupsi besar-besaran di Asia dan dari nama-nama yang disebutkan ada saya dan Ibu Mega. Menurut data Wikileaks tersebut terdapat korupsi jutaan  dolar," kata Presiden SBY di kediamannya, Puri Cikeas, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Kamis.

SBY menambahkan bahwa isi pemberitaan tersebut juga mencatut negara-negara dengan tingkat korupsi tinggi seperti Indonesia dan Vietnam. Ada 17 individu yang disebutkan oleh Wikileaks. Berita seperti ini, Menurut SBY, cepat sekali beredar. Karena pemberitaan sangat sensitif dan menyangkut kehormatan dan harga diri, maka SBY mengambil keputusan untuk mengeluarkan pernyataan. 

"Pemberitaan Wikileaks dan itu mencemarkan nama baik saya dan juga Ibu Mega. Ini menimbulkan spekulasi dan kecurigaan terhadap Ibu Mega dan saya," imbuh SBY.

Terkait pemberitaan tersebut, SBY meminta penjelasan sejumlah pihak antara lain gubernur BI Agus Martowardojo dan Menkeu Chatib Basri, Kapolri, terkait Indonesia yang pernah mencetak uang di Australia oleh perusahaan bernama NPA pada 1999.

"Fakta pertama yaitu Indonesia pernah mencetak uang di NPA dan organisasi itu dalam naungan Bank Central Australia sebanyak 555 juta lembar dengan pecahan Rp100.000," jelasnya.

Kedua,lanjutnya, keputusan kebijakan pengawasan dan kewenangan untuk cetak uang itu termasuk cetak uang itu ada pada BI, bukan pada pemerintah, bukan pada Presiden. 

Sedangkan yang keempat sebenarnya baik Ibu Mega dan saya belum jadi Presiden. Itu adalah kewenangan BI pada saat uang dicetak, SBY mengaku tidak terlibat dalam arti mengambil keputusan atau pun mengeluarkan perintah Presiden. 

"Berita yang diimplikasi oleh adalah sesuatu yang menyakitkan," papar SBY.

SBY meminta pihak Australia memberikan penjelasan secara terang benderang terkait kasus ini agar tak menimbulkan kecurigaan yang berujung fitnah.

"Saya berharap didengar oleh Wikileaks dan Sindonews, Pemerintah Australia, dan KPK. Saya ingin segala sesuatunya terang benderang," pungkas SBY.

Jakarta (B2B) - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) has asked the Australian government to provide an explanation on the latest report released by WikiLeaks on Australian censorship order concerning a multimillion dollar corruption case.

"The news issued by WikiLeaks explicitly naming the current and past heads of state of several Asian countries, including Indonesia, is very hurting. I am also observing what actions Australia has been taking. The (Indonesian) foreign minister has apprised me after communicating with the Indonesian ambassador in Canberra and the Australian ambassador," President Yudhoyono said at a press conference held at his private residence here, Thursday.

Yudhoyono said an explanation was necessary because the report had mentioned that 17 senior officials from Asian countries had been reportedly protected by the Australian government through a special order saying that no investigation should be carried out as it could affect the relationship between Australia and those countries.

"Of those prominent figures, SBY and Megawati (former Indonesian president) were also mentioned by WikiLeaks report released on July 29, 2014, concerning alleged multimillion dollar corruption case, explicitly naming the current and past heads of state," the president noted.

The Indonesian president said he had to provide clarification on the report and has collected more information from concerned authorities.

"Such kinds of news spread fast. As it is a sensitive news, and as it concerns my and Mrs Megawatis honor and dignity, I had decided to take action and issue this statement. Because I consider that news has denigrated and harmed Mrs Megawati and me. It has caused speculation and suspicion," he stated.

Yudhoyono added that if the Australian authorities conducted investigation on the WikiLeaks report, the investigation process should be open and transparent. If any Indonesian had been named in the corruption case, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) should be involved in the investigation, he stated.

WikiLeaks on July 29 had released a report on "an unprecedented Australian censorship order concerning a multimillion dollar corruption case explicitly naming the current and past heads of state of Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam, their relatives, and other senior officials." 

The super-injunction invokes "national security" grounds to prevent reporting about the case, by anyone, in order to "prevent damage to Australias international relations," the report said.

The court-issued gag order follows the secret June 19, 2014, indictment of seven senior executives from subsidiaries of Australias central bank, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). The case concerns allegations of multimillion dollar inducements made by agents of the RBA subsidiaries Securency and Note Printing Australia in order to secure contracts for the supply of Australian-style polymer banknotes to the governments of Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and other countries.

The suppression order lists 17 individuals, including "any current or former Prime Minister of Malaysia"; "Truong Tan San, currently President of Vietnam"; "Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (also known as SBY), currently President of Indonesia (since 2004)"; "Megawati Sukarnoputri (also known as Mega), a former President of Indonesia (2001-2004); current leader of the PDI-P political party"; and 14 other senior officials and relatives from those countries, who specifically may not be named in connection with the corruption investigation, WikiLeaks said in the release.