Pengibaran Bendera OPM di Melbourne Tindakan Kriminal, kata Presiden
President Widodo Says OPM`s Flag Raising in Melbourne`s Consulate General is Crime
Reporter : Adipati Edonizar
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Presiden RI Joko Widodo menegaskan pengibaran bendara Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM) oleh seorang oknum di Konsulat Jenderal RI di Melbourne, Australia, merupakan tindakan kriminal murni.
"Itu urusan dalam negeri Australia, itu urusan kriminal, tidak ada hubungannya dengan NKRI, enggak ada," kata Presiden Jokowi setelah meninjau pembangunan ruas tol Batang - Semarang di Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah pada Senin (9/1).
Dia mengaku sudah mendapatkan laporan dari Menteri Luar Negeri RI Marsudi mengenai kasus tersebut.
Presiden menambahkan bahwa Pemerintah Australia telah menambah jumlah personel keamanan untuk mengamankan Konjen KJRI Melbourne yang sempat diterobos oleh oknum pada Jumat (6/1).
"Dan sekarang saya sudah mendapatkan laporan dari Menlu (tentang) penambahan aparat keamanan dari Australia untuk kanan kiri. Saya kita itu urusan dalam negeri Australia," katanya.
Ia menegaskan kembali insiden tersebut sebagai urusan dalam negeri Australia.
Presiden Jokowi menambahkan ia telah meminta Menlu untuk menyampaikan permintaan kepada Pemerintah Australia agar mengambil tindakan untuk mencegah agar kejadian serupa tak terulang.
"Menlu sudah menyampaikan ke sana permintaan itu," kata Presiden.
Jakarta (B2B) - Action flag raising the Free Papua Organization (OPM) by an individual in Indonesian consulate general in Melbourne, Australia was a criminal offense, according to President Joko Widodo.
"It was Australia's domestic affairs, criminal cases, has nothing to do with Indonesia, nothing," President Widodo said in Central Java's Batang district on Monday.
He claimed claims to have received reports by Foreign Affairs Minister Retno LP Marsudi about the case.
President Widodo added that the Australian government had increased the deployment of security personnel to secure the consulates area, which had been intruded on Jan 6 by a suspect, who was allegedly a sympathizer of the OPM.
The suspect had trespassed into the Indonesian Consulates neighboring apartment before scaling a 2.5-meter-high gate of the mission and had raised the separatist groups flag. The incident occurred when most of the consulates staff members were conducting the Friday prayer.
While making assurance that the incident was viewed as Australias criminal problem, the president has urged Minister Marsudi to call on the Australian government to promptly take necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.
Minister Marsudi stressed on Sunday that the Australian authority should arrest and sentence the trespasser.
"The Australian authority must conduct an investigation and immediately take legal action against the perpetrator who had trespassed into the Indonesian Consulate in Melbourne," she noted in a press statement.
Minister Marsudi emphasized that the trespassing and flag raising incident in Melbourne is a crime that cannot be tolerated.
To this end, Marsudi reminded that Australia, as a receiver country, has the responsibility and obligation to conduct a legal process against the criminal and provide security guarantee to all members of the Indonesian mission in accordance with the Vienna Convention 1961 and 1963 on Diplomatic and Consulate Relations.
In a separate interview, Indonesian Foreign Affairs spokesperson Arrmanatha Nasir noted that Minister Marsudi had spoken to her counterpart Julie Bishop on Saturday morning to urge the Australian authority to investigate and take legal action against the perpetrator immediately.