Presiden SBY Panen Padi dan Dialog dengan Petani di Cilamaya
President SBY Harvest Rice and Dialogue with Farmers in Cilamaya
Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
![Presiden SBY Panen Padi dan Dialog dengan Petani di Cilamaya]( panen di cilamaya (presiden ri go id) b.jpg)
Cilamaya (B2B) - Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) dan Ibu Ani Yudhoyono disambut Menteri Pertanian Suswono di Dusun Jeruk Simer, Desa Rawa Gempol Wetan, Kecamatan Cilamaya, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat untuk melakukan panen raya dengan petani dan warga setempat.
Presiden SBY dan Ibu Ani Yudhoyono bersama Mentan Suswono langsung menuju sawah untuk panen padi varietas Ciherang/Mekongga dilanjutkan berdialog dengan petani dan warga setempat.
Saat berdialog, SBY memaparkan maksud kedatangannya untuk melihat permasalahan dan kemudian mencari pemecahan bersama Kementerian Pertanian dan instansi terkait bagi kepentingan petani dan masa depan pertanian nasional.
"Kalau program dan kebijakan pemerintah dijalankan dengan baik pasti akan membawa kebaikan untuk masyarakat," kata Presiden.
Dalam sesi dialog yang penuh keakraban, para petani meminta penambahan peralatan pertanian maupun perikanan. "Apabila permintaan tersebut masuk akal dan tersedia anggarannya, pemerintah pasti akan membantu dan segera memenuhi," jawab Presiden.
Presiden menambahkan: "Saya akan membantu untuk modal awal bagi saudara-saudara untuk lebih berkembang untuk mendukung penyediaan beras dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani."
Setelah sesi dialog, Presiden SBY bersama Mentan Suswono memberikan bantuan masing-masing Rp100 juta kepada tujuh kelompok tani dan satu kelompok peternak. Bantuan diberikan kepada Kelompok Tani Sri Asih, Sri Glonggong, Sri Kendal, Kepuh, Sri Mulya, Sri Mukti, Sri Makmur, dan Kelompok Ternak Itik.
Cilamaya (B2B) - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono welcomed the Minister of Agriculture Suswono in Jeruk Simer Hamlets, Rawa Gempol Wetan Village, Cilamaya Subdistrict, Karawang Regency, West Java to do the harvest with farmers and local residents.
President Yudhoyono and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono with Minister of Agriculture Suswono, straight to rice fields to harvest Ciherang variety and Mekongga variety, followed by a dialogue with farmers and local residents.
When dialogue, the President explained he had come to see the problems and then find solutions together with the Ministry of Agriculture and related agencies, for the benefit of farmers and the future of national agriculture.
"If the government programs and policies implemented properly, will surely bring goodness to the people," the president said.
In a dialogue session full of intimacy, the farmers requested the addition of agriculture and fisheries equipment. "If the request is reasonable and available budget, the government will definitely help and immediately comply," said the President.
The president added: "I will help for start-up capital for brethren to be developing in order to increase the supply and improve the welfare of rice farmers."
After the dialogue session, the President together with the Minister of Agriculture Suswono provide assistance each Rp100 million to seven farmer groups and one group of farmers. Aid given to Sri Asih Farmers Group, Sri Glonggong, Sri Kendal, Kepuh, Sri Mulya, Sri Mukti, Sri Makmur, and Ducks Livestock Group.