Penegak Hukum tidak Adil terhadap Anak Menteri dan Supir Angkot? Ini Faktanya!
Law Enforcers not Fair to Minister`s Son and the Public Transport Driver? This fact!
Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Taswin Bahar
Translator : Dhelia Gani
PENEGAKAN hukum di Indonesia tidak ubahnya sebilah pisau, tajam ke bawah dan tumpul di atas.
Hal itu tampak dari perlakuan terhadap Jamal bin Syamsuri oleh polisi, yang bertindak cepat menangkap dan menetapkan pengemudi angkutan kota (angkot) KWK U-10. Jamal, sebagai tersangka dalam kasus mahasiswi, Annisa yang meninggal dunia lantaran meloncat dari mobil angkutan umum yang dikemudikan Jamal.
Ketika berhadapan dengan kasus kecelakaan lalu lintas yang menimpa Rasyid Rajasa, putra bungsu Menteri Perekonomian, Hatta Rajasa, polisi tampak ´mati langkah´ padahal mengakibatkan dua korban tewas.
Di awal kejadian, polisi bersikap tertutup dalam kasus BMW yang dikemudikan Rasyid Rajasa dan hingga kini putra dari Ketua Umum Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) tersebut tidak ditahan oleh polisi, meskipun berkasnya sudah dilimpahkan ke kejaksaan untuk segera disidangkan.
Inilah enam perlakuan berbeda dari polisi terhadap Rasyid Rajasa, pengemudi BMW dengan Jamal bin Syamsuri, anak dari rakyat biasa di negeri ini.
1. Tangkap lalu Ditahan
Jamal bin Syamsuri langsung ditahan oleh Kepolisian Resort (Polres) Jakarta Barat setelah melaporkan penumpangnya melompat dari mobil angkutan umum, yang dikendarainya. Hingga saat ini, Jamal masih meringkuk di tahanan polisi.
Rasyid Rajasa, anak bungsu menteri di kabinet Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) tidak ditahan polisi, berdalih, menjalani terapi, meskipun berkasnya sudah dilimpahkan polisi kepada kejaksaan.
2. Pengungkapan Identitas
Terungkapnya kasus yang menimpa mahasiswi Universitas Indonesia (UI), Annisa Azward terungkap, polisi langsung mengumumkan identitas pengemudinya, dan langsung ditahan di Polres Jakarta Barat.
Namun saat kecelakaan di Tol Jagorawi yang menewaskan dua orang di tahun baru 2013, polisi terkesan menutupi identitas pengemudi BMW. Sejak pagi hingga sore, Polda Metro Jaya menutup rapat identitas dari pengemudi BMW.
Personel polisi, yang mengungkap identitas, Rasyid Rajasa, si anak menteri dan ketua umum partai, haruslah berpangkat jenderal, yakni Inspektur Jenderal, Suhardi Alius, yang menjabat Kepala Divisi Hubungan Masyarakat, Markas Besar Polri.
3. Transparansi Polri
Melihat penumpangnya melompat, Jamal sebagai pengemudi bertindak sigap menolong korban dan membawanya ke rumah sakit. Namun mahasiswi UI itu akhirnya meninggal di RS Koja, Jakarta Utara. Polisi pun langsung memeriksa Jamal di Polres Jakarta Barat dan mengumumkannya kepada pers.
Bagaimana Rasyid Radjasa? Anak Hatta Rajasa ini setelah menabrak mobil Daihatsu Luxio dan mengakibatkan dua penumpangnya tewas langsung menghilang. Polisi pun memilih tutup mulut dan hanya menyebut Rasyid Rajasa sedang dirawat di rumah sakit.
Belakangan baru diketahui oleh pers bahwa Rasyid Rajasa dirawat di ruangan VIP di RS Pusat Pertamina dan bukan di RS Polri seperti diterapkan para tersangka kasus kriminal yang ditangani Polri.
4. Mobil Tersangka
Tidak butuh waktu lama bagi polisi, yang langsung menahan mobil yang dikemudikan Jamal di Polres Jakarta Barat.
Bagaimana mobil BMW milik anak menteri? Ketika BMW X5 warna hitam menabrak Daihatsu Luxio nomor polisi F 1622 CY di KM 3+400 Tol Jagorawi, Polda Metro Jaya terkesan menyembunyikan mobil mewah tersebut. Polisi tidak terbuka soal keberadaan BMW ´maut´ B 272 HR itu.
Bahkan saat dipamerkan di Polda Metro, BMW milik Rasyid ditutupi oleh polisi. Entahlah apa maksudnya?
5. Lie Detector
Anggota Komisi Kepolisian Nasional (Kompolnas) Edi Saputra Hasibuan, mendorong polisi untuk segera mengungkap kasus tewasnya Annisa Azward, yang mengusulkan polisi menggunakan Lie Detector untuk mengurai kasus yang melibatkan Jamal.
Namun Kompolnas memilih bungkam terhadap kasus Rasyid Rajasa, anak menteri.
6. Petisi dari Publik
Kasus Rasyid Rajasa yang mendapat perlakuan istimewa dari polisi dan kejaksaan memicu keprihatinan publik. Akibatnya, muncul petisi untuk menahan, serta mengadili Rasyid Rajasa, sesuai dengan hukum yang mencerminkan rasa keadilan masyarakat.
Petisi tersebut dimuat dalam situs Situs tersebut memang dikhususkan untuk memuat petisi-petisi yang dibuat oleh masyarakat.
Penggagas petisi, Muhamad Isnur melalui situs menyatakan pada saat penyidikan, Polda Metro Jaya tidak melakukan penahanan. Setelah dilimpahkan ke Kejaksaan Tinggi DKI, Kejaksaan pun tidak melakukan penahanan sama sekali. Padahal nyata akibat perbuatan Rasyid Rajasa telah mengakibatkan dua orang tewas.
Tentu Pasal yang dikenakan secara memenuhi syarat objektif untuk ditahan sesuai dengan Pasal 21 KUHAP," kata Muhamad Isnur.
Bagaimana dengan Jamal? Polisi tampak sigap dan transparan mengungkap kasusnya. Perlakuan tidak adil tersebut mendorong pengacara Hotma Sitompul melalui LBH Mawar Saron memutuskan membela Jamal, dengan mengerahkan 22 pengacaranya untuk membantu Jamal.
LAW enforcement in Indonesia is no different than a knife, keen downward but upward blunt.
It was looks of the treatment of the Jamal bin Syamsuri by police, acted quickly capture, and assign the driver public transportation (public transportation) KWK U-10. Jamal, as a suspect in the case of a student, Annisa, who died after jumping from car to public transport, driven by Jamal.
When a case of a traffic accident that happened to Rasyid Rajasa, youngest son of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Hatta Rajasa, police looked ´dead step´ but resulted in two deaths.
At the beginning of the incident, the police being closed, in the case of the BMW driven by Rasyid Rajasa and until now, son of of the Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) was not arrested by the police, even though the file was handed over to the prosecutor for trial soon.
This is six different treatment from the police to Rasyid Rajasa, BMW driver with Jamal bin Syamsuri, son of ordinary people in this country.
1. Capture and Detention
Jamal bin Syamsuri immediately arrested by the Police Resort (Police), West Jakarta after reporting a passenger jumped from the car to public transport, are driven. Until today, Jamal is still snuggled in police custody.
Rasyid Rajasa, the youngest minister in the cabinet of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) not in police custody, arguing, in therapy, although the file was handed over to the police to prosecutor.
2. Disclosure of Identity
Disclosure of the case of a student of University of Indonesia (UI), Annisa Azward revealed, the police immediately announce the identity of the driver, and immediately detained at the police station in West Jakarta.
But when accidents Jagorawi Toll that killed two people in the new year 2013, the police to seem to cover the identity of the driver´s BMW. From morning to evening, City Police close off the identity of the driver of the BMW.
Police personnel, who reveals the identity, Rasyid Rajasa, the child´s general secretary and chairman of the party, to be held the rank of general, the Inspector General, Suhardi Alius, who served as Head of Public Relations Division, Police Headquarters.
3. Police Transparency
Knowing passengers jump, Jamal as the driver acted swiftly to help the victim and took her to the hospital. However, the UI student died in hospital Koja, North Jakarta. Police were immediately inspect Jamal in West Jakarta Police and announce it to the press.
How Rasyid Rajasa? Children Hatta Rajasa after crashing car Daihatsu Luxio and resulted in two passengers were killed instantly disappeared. Police also choose to shut up and just call Rasyid Rajasa being treated in hospital.
Later it was discovered by the press that Rasyid Rajasa underwent treatment in the VIP room at Pertamina Central Hospital and not at the Police Hospital as applied to the defendants of criminal cases handled police.
4. Car Suspected
It did not take long for the police, who immediately detain a car driven by Jamal in West Jakarta Police.
What about BMW cars belong to the son of minister? When a black BMW X5 crashed into Daihatsu Luxio police number F 1622 CY at KM 3 +400 Jagorawi Toll, City Police seem to hide the luxury car. Police did not open about where BMW ´death´ B 272 HR´s.
Even when exhibited at the Metro Police, Rasyid-owned BMW is covered by the police. Do not know what it means?
5. Lie Detector
Members of the National Police Commission (National Police Commission) Edi Saputra Hasibuan, prompting the police to to immediately uncover cases of death Annisa Azward , who suggested the police to use a Lie Detector to parse cases involving Jamal.
But the National Police Commission chose silence on the case Rasyid Rajasa, the son of of minister.
6. Petitions from the Public
Case Rasyid Rajasa who got preferential treatment from the police to and prosecutors sparked public concern. Consequently, there is a petition to detain, and prosecute Rasyid Rajasa, in accordance with the law that reflects the public´s sense of justice.
The petition was posted on the website The site is devoted to load the petitions made by the community.
The initiator of the petition, Mohammed Isnur through website, said during an investigation, the Jakarta Police not make an arrest. Once relegated to the Jakarta High Court, the Attorney General did not make an arrest at all. In fact, in real-inflicted Rasyid Rajasa has resulted in two deaths.
Of course, the article subject objectively qualified to be detained in accordance with Article 21 of the Criminal Procedure Code, "said Mohammed Isnur.
What about Jamal? Police swiftly and transparently reveal the case. Unfair treatment is encouraging lawyers Hotma Sitompul through LBH Mawar Sharon decided to defend Jamal, by deploying 22 lawyers to help Jamal.