Melalui AIPF, Indonesia Identifikasi Proyek Kerjasama Senilai Rp490 Triliun
Indonesia Identifies Cooperation Projects Worth IDR 490.59 Trillion through AIPF
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesia mengidentifikasi proyek kerja sama senilai 32 miliar Dolar AS atau sekitar Rp490,59 triliun melalui kegiatan penjajakan bisnis [business matching] yang dilakukan selama penyelenggaraan Forum ASEAN-Indo-Pasifik [AIPF].
Selain itu, sebagai penyelenggara AIPF yang menjadi kegiatan unggulan dari Konferensi Tingkat-Tinggi [KTT] ke-43 ASEAN, Indonesia juga mengupayakan kerja sama untuk proyek dari negara-negara lain dengan total nilai 810 juta Dolar AS [sekitar Rp12,4 triliun].
“Meskipun belum bisa difinalisasi dalam pertemuan hari ini, kita harapkan business matching tersebut akan bisa meningkatkan kerja sama dan pemahaman sebenarnya kebutuhan investasi yang diharapkan oleh masing-masing negara,” kata Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri (Wamenlu) Pahala Mansury, dikutip dari rilis Tim Komunikasi dan Media KTT ASEAN 2023, Jumat [8/9].
Kegiatan business matching AIPF dihadiri oleh sekitar 185 investor dalam negeri dan internasional, di antaranya, PT Bank Mandiri Tbk, Bank Permata, Bank SBI Indonesia, Bank CCB Indonesia, PT Bank Jawa Barat, PT Astra Infrastruktur, PT Amman Mineral Tbk, Dian Swastatika Sentosa, AIIB, Standard Chartered, Sumitomo [SMBC], Commerzbank, ACWA [Saudi Arabia], EDF Energy [Prancis], KEPCO [Korea], IGNIS [Spanyol], China Railway Corporation, Sinohydro, China State Construction Engineering, Siemens [German], Inpex Geothermal [Jepang], British Columbia [Canada], and Actis [Inggris].
Sektor-sektor bisnis yang dipromosikan melalui AIPF meliputi pengembangan energi baru terbarukan, hidrogen, amonia, kilang alumina, rantai pasok baterai, serta infrastruktur jalan tol dan pelabuhan.
Indonesia sendiri memfokuskan kerja sama dengan mitra internasional untuk proyek strategis di bidang energi dan migas [lima proyek], jalan tol [sembilan proyek], pelabuhan [lima proyek], kesehatan [enam proyek], pupuk [tiga proyek], infrastruktur [sepuluh proyek], pariwisata [sembilan proyek], juga ekosistem baterai kendaraan listrik dan rantai pasok [tiga proyek].
Menurut Wakil Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara [BUMN] Rosan Roeslani, sektor yang banyak menarik minat para investor adalah energi hijau dan ekosistem baterai kendaraan listrik.
“Banyak juga yang ingin berpartisipasi di sektor digitalisasi karena mereka melihat banyak potensi masyarakat kita yang belum tersentuh oleh formal financing,” tutur Rosan.
Rosan menyebut sejumlah BUMN terbesar Indonesia seperti Pertamina, Pupuk Indonesia, PLN, Pelindo, Jasa Marga, MIND ID, dan Injourney turut berpartisipasi dalam AIPF.
Beberapa proyek strategis juga ditampilkan oleh Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas), yang diharapkan dapat menjadi platform percepatan investasi untuk beberapa proyek infrastruktur seperti proyek jalan tol ruas Demak-Tuban, Tuban-Gresik, Tasikmalaya-Gedebage-Ciamis, serta proyek SPAM Jatiluhur. Selain itu, beberapa negara ASEAN seperti Brunei, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, dan Filipina turut mempresentasikan proyek potensial di sektor telekomunikasi dan infrastruktur.
Selama kegiatan yang diselenggarakan pada 5-6 September 2023, AIPF turut dihadiri oleh pemimpin dari negara-negara ASEAN seperti Presiden Filipina Ferdinand Marcos Jr., Perdana Menteri (PM) Singapura Lee Hsien Loong, the Head of Delegation of the Kingdom of Thailand Sarun Charoensuwan, PM Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh, PM Laos Sonexay Siphandone, Sultan of Brunei Darussalam Hassanal Bolkiah, PM Kamboja Hun Manet, PM Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim, dan PM Timor Leste Xanana Gusmao.
Tiga pemimpin dunia seperti PM Jepang Fumio Kishida, PM Australia Anthony Albanese, dan PM Kanada Justin Trudeau turut hadir dan menjadi pembicara kunci dalam sesi leaders’ talk.
Dalam paparannya, kata Pahala, para pemimpin tersebut menegaskan bahwa prioritas ke depan untuk kemitraan strategis dengan ASEAN akan difokuskan ke sektor kerja sama yang berkelanjutan, seperti pengembangan energi bersih, pembiayaan inovatif dan berkelanjutan, serta pembangunan infrastruktur hijau.
Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesia identified cooperation projects worth US$32 billion or around IDR490.59 trillion through business matching activities carried out during the ASEAN-Indo-Pacific Forum (AIPF).
Apart from that, as the organizer of AIPF which is the flagship activity of the 43rd ASEAN High-Level Conference (KTT), Indonesia is also seeking cooperation for projects from other countries with a total value of 810 million US Dollars (around Rp. 12.4 trillion).
"Although it has not been finalized in today´s meeting, we hope that business matching will be able to increase cooperation and understand the actual investment needs expected by each country," Deputy Foreign Minister (Wamenlu) Pahala Mansury said, quoted from the release of the Communications Team. and Media of the 2023 ASEAN Summit, Friday (08/09/2023).
AIPF business matching activities were attended by around 185 domestic and international investors, including, PT Bank Mandiri Tbk, Bank Permata, Bank SBI Indonesia, Bank CCB Indonesia, PT Bank Jawa Barat, PT Astra Infrastruktur, PT Amman Mineral Tbk, Dian Swaistika Sentosa , AIIB, Standard Chartered, Sumitomo (SMBC), Commerzbank, ACWA (Saudi Arabia), EDF Energy (France), KEPCO (Korea), IGNIS (Spain), China Railway Corporation, Sinohydro, China State Construction Engineering, Siemens (Germany) , Inpex Geothermal (Japan), British Columbia (Canada), and Actis (UK).
Business sectors promoted through AIPF include the development of new renewable energy, hydrogen, ammonia, alumina refineries, battery supply chains, as well as toll road and port infrastructure.
Indonesia itself focuses on cooperation with international partners on strategic projects in the fields of energy and oil and gas (five projects), toll roads (nine projects), ports (five projects), health (six projects), fertilizer (three projects), infrastructure (ten projects ), tourism (nine projects), as well as electric vehicle battery ecosystems and supply chains (three projects).
According to Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Rosan Roeslani, the sectors that attract the most interest from investors are green energy and the electric vehicle battery ecosystem.
"Many also want to participate in the digitalization sector because they see that there is a lot of potential in our society that has not been touched by formal financing," said Rosan.
Rosan said that a number of Indonesia´s largest state-owned companies such as Pertamina, Pupuk Indonesia, PLN, Pelindo, Jasa Marga, MIND ID and Injourney were participating in AIPF.
Several strategic projects were also presented by the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), which is expected to become a platform for accelerating investment for several infrastructure projects such as the Demak-Tuban, Tuban-Gresik, Tasikmalaya-Gedebage-Ciamis toll road projects, as well as the Jatiluhur SPAM project. In addition, several ASEAN countries such as Brunei, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines also presented potential projects in the telecommunications and infrastructure sector.
During the activities held on 5-6 September 2023, AIPF was also attended by leaders from ASEAN countries such as the President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos Jr., Prime Minister (PM) Singapore Lee Hsien Loong, the Head of Delegation of the Kingdom of Thailand Sarun Charoensuwan , Vietnamese PM Pham Minh Chinh, Laotian PM Sonexay Siphandone, Sultan of Brunei Darussalam Hassanal Bolkiah, Cambodian PM Hun Manet, Malaysian PM Anwar Ibrahim, and Timor Leste PM Xanana Gusmao.
Three world leaders such as Japanese PM Fumio Kishida, Australian PM Anthony Albanese, and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau also attended and were key speakers in the leaders´ talk session .
In their presentation, said Pahala, the leaders emphasized that future priorities for strategic partnerships with ASEAN would be focused on sustainable cooperation sectors, such as clean energy development, innovative and sustainable financing, and green infrastructure development.