Presiden Jokowi: Kereta Cepat Tanda Modernisasi Transportasi Publik di Indonesia
President Jokowi: High-Speed Trains Mark the Modernization of Mass Transportation
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo [Jokowi] menyebutkan, peresmian operasional Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung yang diberi nama Whoosh menandai berlangsungnya modernisasi transportasi massal di tanah air.
Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Presiden saat Peresmian Operasional KCJB, di Stasiun KCJB Halim, Jakarta, Senin [2/10].
“Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung ini menandai modernisasi transportasi massal kita yang efisien, yang ramah lingkungan, dan terintegrasi dengan moda transportasi lainnya, maupun terintegrasi dengan TOD [transit oriented development],” ujar Presiden.
Seperti pendahulunya moda raya transportasi [MRT] dan lintas raya terpadu [LRT], kereta cepat merupakan hal yang baru bagi Indonesia, baik dari sisi teknologi, kecepatan dan konstruksi, serta model pembiayaan. Namun, Presiden menekankan bahwa bangsa Indonesia tidak perlu takut untuk mengadopsi dan mempelajari teknologi transportasi modern untuk kemajuan bangsa.
“Dalam proses itu bisa muncul hal-hal yang tidak terduga, kesulitan-kesulitan di lapangan, masalah-masalah, dan ketidaksempurnaan, pengalaman itu mahal namun sangat berharga. Dan, kita tidak perlu takut, karena jika kita konsisten, kesalahan itu akan semakin sedikit, biaya kesalahan juga akan semakin menurun, dan pada akhirnya, biaya produksi, biaya proyek, lama-kelamaan juga akan semakin rendah,” ujarnya.
Keberanian untuk mencoba hal-hal baru serta memberikan kesempatan kepada anak bangsa untuk belajar, kata Presiden, akan sangat berguna bagi pengembangan sumber daya manusia [SDM] untuk Indonesia yang semakin maju dan mandiri.
“Saya pesan agar kita semuanya tidak alergi terhadap kritik, dan tetap semangat untuk belajar. Karena pengalaman kita membangun infrastruktur, baik jalan tol, pelabuhan, bandara, bendungan, transportasi, telah memberikan pengalaman dan bekal kita untuk menghasilkan hasil-hasil yang lebih baik di masa depan,” tandasnya.
Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the operational inauguration of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train, named Whoosh, marked the ongoing modernization of mass transportation in the country.
This was conveyed by the President at the Inauguration of KCJB Operations, at KCJB Halim Station, Jakarta, Monday (02/10).
"The Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train marks the modernization of our mass transportation which is efficient, environmentally friendly, and integrated with other modes of transportation, as well as integrated with TOD ( transit oriented development )," said the President.
Like its predecessors, highway transportation (MRT) and integrated highway (LRT), high-speed trains are something new for Indonesia, both in terms of technology, speed and construction, as well as financing models. However, the President emphasized that the Indonesian people do not need to be afraid to adopt and study modern transportation technology for the nation's progress.
“In this process unexpected things can arise, difficulties in the field, problems and imperfections, experience is expensive but very valuable. "And, we don't need to be afraid, because if we are consistent, there will be fewer mistakes, the costs of mistakes will also decrease, and in the end, production costs, project costs, over time will also be lower," he said.
The President said the courage to try new things and provide opportunities for the nation's children to learn will be very useful for developing human resources (HR) for an increasingly advanced and independent Indonesia.
"I advise all of us not to be allergic to criticism, and to remain enthusiastic about learning. "Because our experience in building infrastructure, including toll roads, ports, airports, dams, transportation, has given us the experience and provisions to produce better results in the future," he stressed.