Kasus Tambang Ilegal, Bareskrim Polri Periksa Anak & Istri Ismail Bolong
Bareskrim Polri Examine Ismail Bolong´s Children & Wife in the Mining Bribery Case
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Jakarta [B2B] - Badan Reserse Kriminal [Bareskrim] mengungkapkan bahwa istri dan anak dari mantan anggota Polres Samarinda, Ismail Bolong telah memenuhi panggilan pemeriksaan terkait dugaan suap tambang ilegal di Kalimantan Timur.
Anggota Bareskrim Polri Brigjen Pipit Rismanto menegaskan, mereka dan lawyer atau kuasa hukumya sudah berada di dalam ruangan pemeriksaan Bareskrim Polri.
“Yang jelas mereka dan lawyer sudah di dalam,” kata Pipit pada pukul 12.49 WIB saat dikonfirmasi, Kamis [1/12].
Pipit belum bisa membeberkan lebih lanjut soal pemeriksaan yang tengah dilakukan penyidik.
Di sisi lain, Ismail Bolong telah dua kali mangkir panggilan Polisi lantaran beralasan sakit. Namun,m tim kuasa hukum Ismail Bolong tidak menunjukan surat keterangan sakit dari dokter.
"Hanya informasi dari pihak lawyer nya namun belum memberitahukan sakit apa. Dan mereka belum menunjukkan surat keterangan dokter," ucapnya.
Jakarta [B2B] - The Criminal Investigation Agency [Bareskrim] revealed that the wife and child of a former member of the Samarinda Police, Ismail Bolong, had complied with the subpoena regarding allegations of bribery in illegal mining in East Kalimantan.
Polri Brigadier General Pipit Rismanto emphasized that they and their lawyers or attorneys were already in the examination room of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.
"What is clear is that they and the lawyer are already inside," said Pipit at 12.49 WIB when confirmed, Thursday [1/12].
Pipit could not reveal further about the investigation being carried out by investigators.
On the other hand, Ismail Bolong has twice failed to summon the police due to illness. However, Ismail Bolong's legal team did not show a sick certificate from the doctor.
"Only information from the lawyer, but they haven't told them what's wrong. And they haven't shown a doctor's certificate," he said.