Kunjungi Pasar Oebobo, Jokowi Cek Harga Pangan Pokok
President Jokowi Greets the Community and Checks Prices of Basic Necessities
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Kupang, NTT [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo [Jokowi] menyapa masyarakat dan pedagang hingga mengecek sejumlah harga kebutuhan pokok di Pasar Oebobo, Kota Kupang, pada Rabu [6/12].
Setibanya di pasar, Jokowi langsung menghampiri para pedagang kaki lima dan memberikan sejumlah bantuan juga sembako.
Saat melewati pedagang bawang dan cabai, Jokowi pun menanyakan kondisi harga yang ada di sana. "Ini (bawang merah) berapa satu kilo?" tanya Jokowi.
"Rp20 ribu, Pak," jawab pedagang.
"Murah, bagus, harganya baik," ucap Jokowi.
Dalam keterangannya, Evilia, pedagang bawang dan cabai yang dihampiri oleh Jokowi mengatakan bahwa harga bahan pokok yang dijual saat ini tergolong murah. Evilia menuturkan harga cabai berada di harga Rp60.000 per kilogram dan harga bawang merah Rp20.000 per kilogram.
"Rp20.000 bawang merah, cabainya Rp60.000. Bawang merahnya yang murah," ucapnya.
Selain itu, Evilia pun mengungkapkan bahwa penjualannya cukup meningkat dalam beberapa waktu terakhir. “Jualannya—penghasilan lumayan dari pada hari-hari sebelumnya,” tuturnya.
Sementara itu, Urgenes, penjual telur menyebut bahwa harga telur yang ada di Pasar Oebobo dinilai cukup stabil. “Per papan Rp60.000 karena kami ambil dengan Rp55.000, dapat Rp5.000, stabil lah,” ucap Urgenes.
Kupang of East Nusa Tenggara [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) greeted the public and traders and checked prices of basic necessities at Oebobo Market, Kupang City.
Arriving at around 07.20 WITA, President Jokowi was greeted by the people of Kupang who had crowded the market. Upon arrival, the President immediately approached the street vendors and provided some assistance and basic necessities.
When passing onion and chili traders, President Jokowi also asked about the price conditions there. "How much is one kilo of this (shallots)?" asked the President.
"Rp. 20 thousand, sir," answered the trader.
"Cheap, good, good price," said the President.
In her statement, Evilia, an onion and chili trader who was approached by the President, said that the prices of the staple commodities being sold are currently relatively cheap. Evilia said the price of chilies was IDR 60,000 per kilogram and the price of shallots IDR 20,000 per kilogram.
“Rp. 20,000 onions, Rp. 60,000 for chilies. "The red onions are cheap," he said.
Apart from that, Evilia also revealed that its sales have increased quite a bit in recent times. "The sales - the income is quite good compared to previous days," he said.
Meanwhile, Urgenes, an egg seller, said that the price of eggs at Oebobo Market was considered quite stable. "Per board IDR 60,000 because we took it for IDR 55,000, we got IDR 5,000, it's stable," said Urgenes.