Service Charge di Pusat Perbelanjaan Naik Hingga 20%
Service Charge in Shopping Centers Up To 20%
Reporter : Gatot Priyantono
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Pusat perbelanjaan akan menaikkan biaya layanan (service charge) hingga 20% untuk mengimbangi kenaikan tarif listrik dan upah minimum provinsi (UMP) yang naik 40%.
Ketua Umum Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (DPP) Asosiasi Pengelola Pusat Perbelanjaan Indonesia (APPBI) Handaka Santosa mengatakan kenaikan service charge akibat beban biaya utama terserap sebesar 50% untuk pembayaran listrik dan UMP juga naik.
"UMP naik 40%, sehingga mau tidak mau pengelola juga akan menyesuaikan biaya service charge paling tidak 20%," ucap Handaka, saat ditemui di Ditjen Ketanaga Listrikan, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Jakarta, Rabu (9/1/2013).
Handaka menuturkan, kenaikan biaya tersebut akan dibebankan ke penyewa, dan implikasi ini akan merembet terhadap harga produk yang dijual ke konsumen. "Jadi semua berimplikasi luas."
Jakarta (B2B) - Shopping Centers will raise the cost of the service (service charge) to 20% to offsetting the rise electricity tariffs and the provincial minimum wage (UMP), which rose 40%.
Chairman of the Central Board (DPP) Indonesian Shopping Centers Association Business (APPBI) Handaka Santosa said the increase in service charges caused by major cost burden absorbed by 50% for electricity and UMP payments also rose.
"UMP rose 40%, so inevitably management also will adjust the service charge costs at least 20%," said Handaka, when found in Ketanaga Listrikan Directorate, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jakarta, Wednesday (09/01/2013) .
Handaka said, the increased costs will be charged to the tenant, and the implications this will spread to the price of products sold to consumers. "So all the broad implications."