Bertemu Menlu RRT, Presiden Jokowi Bahas Kerjasama Ekonomi
Meeting the PRC Foreign Minister, President Jokowi Discusses Economic Cooperation
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo [Jokowi] menerima kunjungan kehormatan Menteri Luar Negeri Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) Wang Yi untuk membahas sejumlah isu penting yang berkaitan dengan kerja sama ekonomi bilateral dan situasi di Timur Tengah di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, pada Kamis [18/4].
Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi dalam keterangannya usai pertemuan mengatakan bahwa Presiden Jokowi menyampaikan tiga pesan penting, salah satunya terkait kerja sama ekonomi antara kedua negara.
Presiden Jokowi menggarisbawahi peningkatan volume perdagangan yang lebih seimbang antara Indonesia dan RRT serta mengharapkan pembukaan akses pasar bagi produk Indonesia ke RRT, termasuk penyelesaian protokol untuk impor produk pertanian dan perikanan Indonesia.
"Hal lain masih di dalam bidang kerja sama ekonomi Bapak Presiden mendorong kerja sama pembangunan di IKN termasuk untuk moda transportasi. Bapak Presiden juga mendorong implementasi proyek strategis di kawasan industri Kaltara, khususnya untuk investasi di bidang petrokimia," ujar Menlu Retno.
Selain itu, Jokowi dan Wang Yi juga membahas tentang masalah ketahanan pangan. Menurut Jokowi, kerja sama pertanian kedua negara penting untuk ditingkatkan, termasuk mempelajari modeling pertanian RRT.
“Hal terakhir yang disampaikan oleh Bapak Presiden adalah terkait dengan situasi di Timur Tengah. Bapak Presiden menekankan tidak ada pihak yang ingin melihat adanya eskalasi dan Bapak Presiden menyampaikan bahwa Indonesia terus melakukan komunikasi diplomatik dengan berbagai pihak termasuk Iran dan Amerika Serikat,” ungkap Menlu Retno.
Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Indonesia juga menekankan tiga hal, yaitu pentingnya menahan diri, pentingnya terjadi deeskalasi, dan meminta negara-negara menggunakan pengaruhnya untuk menghindari terjadinya eskalasi. Menlu Retno juga menyebut bahwa posisi Indonesia dan RRT sama di dalam isu tersebut.
"Bapak Presiden juga menyampaikan keyakinannya bahwa RRT juga akan menggunakan pengaruhnya agar eskalasi dapat dicegah," ucap Menlu Retno.
Sementara itu, RRT juga menekankan dukungan terhadap kemerdekaan Palestina melalui solusi dua negara atau two state solution dan sepakat bahwa stabilitas di Timur Tengah akan terjadi melalui two state solution. Selain itu, Indonesia-RRT juga memiliki posisi yang sama dalam mendukung keanggotaan penuh Palestina di PBB.
"Tadi juga dilakukan exchange of views mengenai dukungan mayoritas negara-negara anggota PBB untuk keanggotaan penuh Palestina di PBB. Di dalam hal ini, sekali lagi posisi Indonesia dan posisi RRT sama bahwa kita mendukung penuh keanggotaan Palestina di PBB," tutur Menlu Retno.
Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo [Jokowi] received an honorary visit from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People´s Republic of China (PRC) Wang Yi to discuss a number of important issues related to bilateral economic cooperation and the situation in the Middle East at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Thursday [18/4].
In her statement after the meeting, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi said that President Jokowi delivered three important messages, one of which was related to economic cooperation between the two countries.
President Jokowi underlined an increase in trade volume that is more balanced between Indonesia and the PRC and hopes for the opening of market access for Indonesian products to the PRC, including the completion of protocols for importing Indonesian agricultural and fishery products.
"Other things are still in the field of economic cooperation. The President encourages development cooperation in IKN, including for transportation modes. The President also encourages the implementation of strategic projects in the North Kalimantan industrial area, especially for investment in the petrochemical sector," said Foreign Minister Retno.
Apart from that, Jokowi and Wang Yi also discussed the issue of food security. According to Jokowi, it is important to improve agricultural cooperation between the two countries, including studying the PRC´s agricultural modeling.
"The last thing that the President said was related to the situation in the Middle East. "Mr President emphasized that no party wants to see an escalation and Mr President said that Indonesia continues to carry out diplomatic communications with various parties including Iran and the United States," said Foreign Minister Retno.
On this occasion, Indonesia also emphasized three things, namely the importance of restraint, the importance of de-escalation, and asked countries to use their influence to avoid escalation. Foreign Minister Retno also said that the positions of Indonesia and China were the same on this issue.
"Mr President also expressed his confidence that the PRC will also use its influence so that escalation can be prevented," said Foreign Minister Retno.
Meanwhile, the PRC also emphasized support for Palestinian independence through a two-state solution and agreed that stability in the Middle East would occur through a two-state solution. Apart from that, Indonesia-PRC also have the same position in supporting Palestine´s full membership in the UN.
"Earlier, an exchange of views was also held regarding the support of the majority of UN member countries for full Palestinian membership in the UN. In this case, once again Indonesia´s position and the PRC´s position are the same in that we fully support Palestine´s membership in the UN," said Foreign Minister Retno.