Presiden Jokowi Cek Stok Beras di Gudang Bulog Muna

President Jokowi Checks Rice Stock at Bulog Muna Warehouse

Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Presiden Jokowi Cek Stok Beras di Gudang Bulog Muna
STOK PANGAN NASIONAL: Presiden Jokowi didampingi jajarannya saat meninjau langsung stok beras di Kompleks Pergudangan Bulog Laende di Kabupaten Muna.

Muna, Sultra [B2B] - Presiden Joko Widodo mengunjungi Kompleks Pergudangan Bulog Laende di Kabupaten Muna, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, untuk melakukan pengecekan rutin untuk memastikan ketersediaan dan stabilitas pasokan pangan nasional, sekaligus penyaluran bantuan cadangan pangan kepada keluarga penerima manfaat.

Dalam kunjungannya, Presiden Jokowi memastikan bahwa distribusi beras 10 kilogram per keluarga akan terus berlanjut hingga Juni, dengan harapan dapat diperpanjang hingga Desember, tergantung ketersediaan Anggaran Penerimaan dan Belanja Negara (APBN).

“Kita berdoa bersama ya supaya bisa terus sampai Desember,” ujar Presiden Jokowi, mengungkapkan optimisme terhadap kemungkinan melanjutkan bantuan ini berdasarkan ketersediaan anggaran.

Jokowi juga menjelaskan bahwa inisiatif pemberian beras ini merupakan respons terhadap kenaikan harga beras yang terjadi akibat inflasi pangan global. “Karena harga pangan internasional itu semuanya juga naik dan kita ini termasuk masih rendah, ada yang naik tinggi sekali. Ini patut kita syukuri bahwa kita naiknya tidak drastis,” jelasnya.

Di sisi lain, Jokowi mengakui bahwa menjaga harga beras di Indonesia adalah tugas yang tidak mudah, mengingat harus mempertimbangkan kesejahteraan petani dan keterjangkauan bagi konsumen. “Kalau tinggi, masyarakat pasti gini (mengeluh), tetapi petani pasti senang karena harganya naik tinggi,” ucapnya.

Jokowi menambahkan bahwa pemerintah terkadang harus berada di posisi sulit untuk menjaga keseimbangan antara kepuasan masyarakat dan kesejahteraan petani. Oleh karena itu, distribusi beras 10 kilogram ini diharapkan bisa meringankan beban masyarakat yang terkena dampak kenaikan harga.

Kunjungan Jokowi ini juga menjadi simbol komitmen pemerintah untuk terus mendukung masyarakat di tengah tantangan ekonomi, sekaligus menjaga stabilitas sosial di tengah fluktuasi harga pangan global.

Muna of Southeast Sulawesi [B2B] - President Joko Widodo visited the Bulog Laende Warehouse Complex in Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province, to carry out routine checks to ensure the availability and stability of the national food supply, as well as the distribution of food reserve assistance to beneficiary families.

During his visit, President Jokowi confirmed that the distribution of 10 kilograms of rice per family would continue until June, with the hope that it could be extended until December, depending on the availability of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

"We pray together so that it can continue until December," said President Jokowi, expressing optimism about the possibility of continuing this assistance based on budget availability.

Jokowi also explained that this rice giving initiative was a response to the increase in rice prices that occurred due to global food inflation. "Because international food prices are all rising and we are still at low levels, some are rising very high. "We should be grateful that the increase is not drastic," he explained.

On the other hand, Jokowi acknowledged that maintaining rice prices in Indonesia is not an easy task, considering that he must consider the welfare of farmers and affordability for consumers. "If it´s high, people will definitely be like this (complaining), but farmers will definitely be happy because prices have risen high," he said.

Jokowi added that the government sometimes has to be in a difficult position to maintain a balance between community satisfaction and farmer welfare. Therefore, it is hoped that the distribution of 10 kilograms of rice will ease the burden on the people affected by the price increase.

Jokowi´s visit is also a symbol of the government´s commitment to continuing to support the community amidst economic challenges, while maintaining social stability amidst fluctuations in global food prices.