Pertamina Investasi US$5 Miliar Bangun Pabrik Petrokimia

Pertamina Investasi US$5 Miliar Bangun Pabrik Petrokimia

Reporter : Gatot Priyantono
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Pertamina Investasi US$5 Miliar Bangun Pabrik Petrokimia

Jakarta (B2B) - Pertamina berencana membangun pabrik petrokimia dengan investasi fase pertama sebesar US$4 miliar hingga US$5 miliar melalui joint venture dengan perusahaan petrokimia multinasional.

Direktur Pemasaran Pertamina, Hanung Budya mengatakan setelah melakukan survei ke beberapa negara untuk mencari partner, perusahaan kini memiliki setidaknya tiga kandidat yang menyatakan siap bekerja sama dengan Pertamina.

Kandidat tersebut adalah Mitsubishi Corporation, SK Global Chemical dan PTT Global Chemical Thailand.

Kerja sama tersebut mempertimbangkan aspek utama kesetaraan dalam pengembangan teknologi, jaringan bisnis dan kemampuan finansial.

Pertamina, katanya lagi, segera melakukan seleksi terhadap tiga perusahaan asing tersebut untuk membangun usaha joint venture. Pertamina berharap dapat menguasai 51% saham dalam joint venture tersebut.

"Proses seleksi dijadwalkan berlangsung Maret 2013," katanya Minggu.

Rencana Pertamina terkait tren permintaan produk petrokimia yang terus meningkat. Nilai pasar dari produk petrokimia diperkirakan mencapai US$30 miliar hingga 2025.

Jakarta (B2B) - PT Pertamina (Persero) plans to build a petrochemical plant in the first phase with an investment of US$4 billion to US$ 5 billion through a joint venture with a multinational petrochemical company.

Hanung Budya, Director of Marketing and Pertamina, explained after a series of survey to find a partner in several countries, the company now has at least three candidates who have expressed their readiness to cooperate with Pertamina.

The candidates are Mitsubishi Corporation, SK Global Chemical and PTT Global Chemical Thailand.

The main aspects to be considered as an equal partner are the strong technology development, business network, and financial ability.

Pertamina, he added, will soon make the selection of the three foreign companies to build a joint venture partner. Pertamina hopes to master a majority 51% stake in the joint venture.

"The selection process will be processed in March 2013," he said on Sunday (12/9).

The plan is based on the trend of domestic demand for petrochemical products which continues to increase.

The market value of the petrochemical product is predicted to reach US$30 billion by 2025.