Tragedi Kanjuruhan, LBH Malang Tambah Daftar Saksi
LBH Malang Adds to the List of Witnesses in the Kanjuruhan Tragedy Case
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Malang, Jatim [B2B] - Lembaga Bantuan Hukum [LBH] Surabaya Pos Malang bakal menambah daftar saksi guna kelanjutan Laporan Model B terkait peristiwa Tragedi Kanjuruhan.
"Upaya terdekat yang kami lakukan bahwa laporan Model B yang dilakukan Pak Devi Athok, sampai sekarang dalam tanda kutip ya, menggantung di Polres Kabupaten Malang, di Kepanjen. Ini juga kita lakukan upaya penambahan saksi saksi," tegas Koordinator LBH Pos Malang, Daniel Siagian, pada Senin [5/6].
Daniel mengaku, ada dugaan pelanggaran HAM berat pada peristiwa Tragedi Kanjuruhan. Sehingga, pihaknya mendesak agar Komnas HAM segera melakukan penyelidikan baik secara yudisial terhadap dugaan pelanggaran berat tersebut.
Daniel memaparkan, khusus Laporan Model B yang sudah diajukan ke Polres Malang, bahwa proses hukum yang dilakukan Pak Devi Athok, sampai sekarang belum menemukan titik temu yang terang benderang.
"Sedangkan kalau kita lihat terdakwa dengan pasal yang ringan yakni pasal 359 dan pasal 360 yang sudah disidangkan, itu masih jauh terhadap pokok permasalah tragedi Kanjuruhan, sampai hasil sidang menyalahkan angin, begitu," tegasnya.
Daniel menambahkan, pihaknya bersama Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil sudah berkoordinasi dengan Komnas HAM. Hasil konfirmasi dari tim TATAK, juga telah memberi legal opinionya terhadap dugaan pelanggaran HAM berat tragedi Kanjuruhan.
"Oleh karena itu kami tetap mendesak baik secara prosedural terhadap Komnas HAM untuk segera melakukan penyelidikan baik secara yudisial terhadap dugaan pelanggaran HAM berat tragedi Kanjuruhan," Daniel mengakhiri.
Malang of East Java [B2B] - Legal Aid Institute [LBH] Surabaya Pos Malang will add to the list of witnesses to continue the Model B Report regarding the Kanjuruhan Tragedy.
"The closest we have made is that the Model B report carried out by Pak Devi Athok, until now in quotation marks, is hanging at the Malang Regency Police Headquarters, in Kepanjen. We are also making efforts to add witnesses," said LBH Malang Post Coordinator, Daniel Siagian , on Monday [5/6].
Daniel admitted that there were allegations of gross human rights violations during the Kanjuruhan Tragedy. Thus, his party urged Komnas HAM to immediately carry out a good judicial investigation of the alleged gross violations.
Daniel explained, specifically the Model B Report which had been submitted to the Malang Police, that the legal process that was carried out by Pak Devi Athok, until now had not found a clear meeting point.
"Meanwhile, if we look at the defendants with mild articles, namely Articles 359 and Article 360, which have already been tried, they are still far from the main issue of the Kanjuruhan tragedy, until the results of the trial blamed the wind," he said.
Daniel added that his party and the Civil Society Coalition had coordinated with Komnas HAM. The confirmation results from the TATAK team have also given their legal opinion on the alleged gross human rights violations in the Kanjuruhan tragedy.
"Therefore, we continue to urge both procedurally and Komnas HAM to immediately carry out a good judicial investigation into the alleged gross human rights violations in the Kanjuruhan tragedy," Daniel concluded.