HIPMI ke-52, Presiden Jokowi Tegaskan Persiapan Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045
President Jokowi Emphasizes Preparations for a Golden Indonesia 2045
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo menekankan pentingnya persiapan menghadapi Indonesia Emas 2045. Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Presiden RI Joko Widodo pada saat HUT Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia [HIPMI] ke-52, di Grand Ballroom Hotel Fairmont Jakarta, Senin [10/6].
Pada kesempatan ini, Presiden menyampaikan tiga poin penting yang harus dicermati serta dikawal oleh seluruh anggota HIPMI. Pertama, mengenai bonus demografi. Presiden mengungkapkan bahwa, Indonesia akan mencapai puncak bonus demografi pada tahun 2030 hingga 2040. Oleh karena itu, perencanaan dan persiapan kualitas sumber daya manusia harus dilakukan secara taktis agar bonus demografi akan bermanfaat dalam mencapai Indonesia Maju.
"Persiapan untuk kualitas sumber daya manusia betul-betul memang harus direncanakan, disiapkan secara taktis, sehingga betul-betul kondisi demografi nanti bermanfaat dalam lompatan kita menuju ke sebuah Indonesia Maju”, tegas Presiden.
Kedua, Presiden mengingatkan tentang disrupsi teknologi yang tengah berkembang pesat, seperti artificial intelligence [AI], generative AI, dan singularity.
"Hati-hati mengenai ini. Harus dicermati betul, harus dilihat betul dampak apa yang akan terjadi, situasi apa yang akan terjadi di negara kita dengan perkembangan sekarang ini AI [artificial intelligence], generative AI, singularity, barang-barang apa ini dan akan menyebabkan apa di negara kita. Ini harus betul-betul dilihat dan dicermati, jangan sampai kita keliru mengantisipasi adanya disrupsi teknologi," ujar Jokowi.
Meski demikian, Jokowi meyakini anggota HIPMI yang merupakan generasi digital mampu menghadapi disrupsi teknologi tersebut. “Jadi menghadapi AI, menghadapi generative AI, menghadapi singularity, saya kira rekan-rekan di HIPMI sudah sangat biasa,” imbuhnya.
Kemudian yang ketiga adalah, perubahan lanskap geopolitik dan ekonomi dunia akibat disrupsi teknologi. Presiden menyatakan bahwa perubahan ini akan mempengaruhi berbagai aspek di Indonesia, termasuk perilaku, selera, tren warna, dan budaya.
“Semuanya, lanskap bisnis, lanskap ekonomi semuanya akan berubah. Dan yang paling cepat menyesuaikan diri itu biasanya anak-anak muda dan itu ada semuanya di HIPMI.”
Kepala negara juga membahas tentang pentingnya ekonomi hijau di masa depan. Beliau menyebutkan bahwa pembiayaan hijau saat ini sangat terbuka luas secara global, sehingga perubahan sistem ini harus diantisipasi dan dimanfaatkan oleh HIPMI.
“Industri hijau sekarang ini juga mendapatkan perhatian dan pembiayaannya juga sangat mudah. Sehingga perubahan, pergeseran sistem ini harus dilihat dan diantisipasi oleh kita semuanya. Green food, blue food, dan lain-lainnya ini akan menjadi tren ke depan. Peluang-peluang baru seperti itu harus disiapkan strateginya oleh HIPMI,” kata kepala negara.
Pada kesempatan ini Presiden RI juga mengapresiasi inisiatif dari anggota HIPMI yang sudah mengembangkan agro maritime industry, seperti Chickin Indonesia dan Ardena Food. Menurutnya, HIPMI dengan pengalaman selama lima dekade dalam memanfaatkan peluang, mampu menangkap perubahan lanskap bisnis dan ekonomi. “Saya yakin HIPMI akan mampu terus berinovasi untuk naik kelas dan memenangkan persaingan-persaingan global yang ada, maupun persaingan-persaingan di negara kita yang kita cintai ini.”
Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo emphasized the importance of preparations for Golden Indonesia 2045. This was conveyed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo at the 52nd Anniversary of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association [HIPMI], at the Grand Ballroom of the Fairmont Hotel Jakarta, Monday [10/ 6].
On this occasion, the President conveyed three important points that must be observed and monitored by all HIPMI members. First, regarding the demographic bonus. The President revealed that Indonesia will reach the peak of the demographic bonus in 2030 to 2040. Therefore, planning and preparation for the quality of human resources must be carried out tactically so that the demographic bonus will be useful in achieving Advanced Indonesia.
"Preparations for the quality of human resources really have to be planned, prepared tactically, so that demographic conditions will really be useful in our leap towards an advanced Indonesia," stressed the President.
Second, the President reminded us about technological disruption that is currently developing rapidly, such as artificial intelligence [AI], generative AI, and singularity.
"Be careful about this. You have to pay close attention, you have to really see what impact will happen, what situation will occur in our country with the current developments in AI [artificial intelligence], generative AI, singularity, what are these things and will "What is causing this in our country? This must really be looked at and paid attention to, lest we make the mistake of anticipating technological disruption," said Jokowi.
However, Jokowi believes that HIPMI members who are the digital generation are able to face this technological disruption. "So facing AI, facing generative AI, facing singularity, I think colleagues at HIPMI are very used to it," he added.
Then the third is changes in the world´s geopolitical and economic landscape due to technological disruption. The President stated that this change would affect various aspects in Indonesia, including behavior, tastes, color trends and culture.
“Everything, the business landscape, the economic landscape will all change. "And those who adapt the quickest are usually young people and there are all of them at HIPMI."
The head of state also discussed the importance of a green economy in the future. He stated that green financing is currently very widely open globally, so changes in this system must be anticipated and utilized by HIPMI.
“The green industry is now also getting attention and financing is also very easy. So changes, shifts in this system must be seen and anticipated by all of us. Green food, blue food, and others will be trends in the future. "HIPMI must prepare a strategy for new opportunities like that," said the head of state.
On this occasion the President of the Republic of Indonesia also appreciated the initiatives of HIPMI members who have developed the agro maritime industry, such as Chickin Indonesia and Ardena Food. According to him, HIPMI, with five decades of experience in exploiting opportunities, is able to capture changes in the business and economic landscape. "I am sure that HIPMI will be able to continue to innovate to move up in class and win existing global competitions, as well as competitions in our beloved country."