Rp30 Triliun, Nilai Alat Berat yang Dibutuhkan Sektor Konstruksi
Construction Sector Requires Heavy Equipments Worth Rp30 Trillion
Reporter : Gatot Priyantono
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Badan Pembina Konstruksi Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU) menyatakan sektor konstruksi masih kekurangan alat berat senilai Rp 30 triliun.
Kepala Badan Pembina Konstruksi, Hediyanto W Husaini mengatakan secara umum Indonesia memerlukan alat berat sebanyak 210 ribu unit untuk pembangunan sektor infrastruktur.
"Sektor kontruksi memerlukan alat berat sebanyak 42 ribu unit atau setara dengan 20% terhadap total kebutuhan," kata Hediyanto W Husaini.
Menurutnya, dari kebutuhan sebanyak 42 ribu unit alat berat itu, sektor konstruksi masih mengalami kekurangan alat berat sebanyak 10 ribu unit.
Jakarta (B2B) - Construction Development Agency of the Public Works Ministry stated the construction sector still requires heavy equipments worth Rp 30 trillion (US$ 2.61 billion).
Head of Construction Development, Hediyanto W. Husaini said in general, Indonesia requires as much as 210,000 units of heavy equipment for the construction of infrastructure sector.
"The construction sector requires heavy equipment as much as 42,000 units, equivalent to 20 percent of the total requirement," Hediyanto W Huisaini said.
According to him, from the total requirement, the construction sector is still experiencing a shortage of heavy equipment as much as 10,000 units.