RSBI Dihapus, DPR Ingatkan Jangan Muncul Istilah Lain

Removed RSBI, DPR Remind Do not Appear Another term

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

RSBI Dihapus, DPR Ingatkan Jangan Muncul Istilah Lain

Jakarta (B2B) - Wakil Ketua DPR RI, Taufik Kurniawan berharap,  setelah  Mahkamah Konstitusi menghapus keberadaan Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional, tak ada lagi istilah lain atau sejenisnya dari RSBI.

"Jangan sampai ketika RSBI itu dibubarkan tetapi muncul istilah lain yang menjadi akal-akalan untuk menyamakan konsep RSBI tersebut," ujar Taufik di Gedung MPR/DPR/DPD RI, Jakarta.

Taufik mengatakan keputusan MK sudah tepat karena RSBI menyebabkan banyak  penyimpangan sehingga menyebabkan ketimpangan sosial.

"Tentunya ini menjadi suatu keputusan yang harus ditindaklanjuti. Dan kami akan meminta kepada pimpinan Komisi X dan Kemendiknas terkait pelaksanaan dari judicial review," kata Wakil Ketua DPR bidang Kesra itu.

Jakarta (B2B) - Deputy House Speaker of Representatives, Taufik Kurniawan hoping, after the Constitutional Court to remove the presence of international school stubs, do not exist anymore or something other terms from the RSBI.

"Do not get when RSBI was disbanded but the other terms appear to be a trick to equate the concept RSBI," said Taufik in the House of Representatives in Jakarta.

Taufik said the Court's decision was appropriate because RSBI cause many irregularities that led to social inequalities.

"Surely this is a decision that must be followed., And we will ask the leadership of X Commission and Kemendiknas regarding the conduct from the judicial review," said Vice House Speaker Public Welfare's sector.