Diminta Presiden Jokowi, Bos Apple Pertimbangkan Bangun Pabrik di Indonesia

Asked by President Jokowi, Apple Boss to Consider Building a Factory in Indonesia

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Diminta Presiden Jokowi, Bos Apple Pertimbangkan Bangun Pabrik di Indonesia
INVESTASI TEKNOLOGI: Presiden Jokowi saat bertemu CEO Apple, Tim Cook untuk membahas peluang ekspansi apple ke Indonesia. (Foto: Setkab RI)

Jakarta [B2B] - CEO Apple, Tim Cook mengatakan bahwa akan mempertimbangkan permintaan Presiden Jokowi untuk pembangunan pabrik manufaktur Apple di Indonesia. Ia juga menilai bahwa Indonesia adalah pasar yang penting bagi Apple dan memiliki banyak potensi investasi yang bagus.

"Saya rasa kemampuan investasi di Indonesia tidak ada habisnya. Saya pikir ada banyak tempat bagus untuk berinvestasi dan kami sedang berinvestasi. Kami percaya pada negara ini," ungkapnya usai bertemu Presiden Jokowi di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, pada Rabu (17/4).

Selain itu, Tim Cook merasa gembira terhadap kinerja ketiga Apple Developer Academy yang sudah ada di Indonesia.

“Kami membuka Apple Developer Academy keempat. Kami baru mengumumkannya kemarin, ini akan ada di Bali. Kami sangat gembira dengan kinerja ketiganya, yang telah meluluskan ribuan orang dan mampu membuat aplikasi untuk Apps Store yang menarik tidak hanya di dalam negeri namun juga di luar negeri. Oleh karena itu, kami sangat gembira,” ujar Tim Cook.

Sementara itu, Menteri Perindustrian (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita menyampaikan bahwa Apple berencana untuk menambah Apple Developer Academy keempat sebagai investasi di Indonesia. Saat ini, telah ada tiga Apple Developer Academy yang tersebar di Surabaya, Batam, dan Tangerang.

“Mereka sudah umumkan kemarin bahwa akan menambah satu lagi fasilitas di Bali. Dan ini sebetulnya keempat fasilitas Apple Developer Academy ini berdasarkan kesepakatan antara Indonesia dengan Apple,” ucap Menperin.

Selanjutnya, Menperin menuturkan bahwa Kepala Negara mengajak Apple untuk membentuk pusat inovasi yang bekerja sama dengan universitas terbaik di Indonesia untuk pengembangan sumber daya manusia.

“Ini juga satu hal yang Tim Cook itu juga sangat eager untuk melakukan follow up. Banyak tadi juga dibicarakan bagaimana kita men-develop human resources atau human development yang ada di Indonesia melalui Apple,” tuturnya.

Jakarta [B2B] - Apple CEO Tim Cook said that he would consider President Jokowi´s request for the construction of an Apple manufacturing factory in Indonesia. He also considers that Indonesia is an important market for Apple and has a lot of good investment potential.

"I think the investment capabilities in Indonesia are endless. I think there are many good places to invest and we are investing. We believe in this country," he said after meeting President Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Wednesday (17/4).

Apart from that, Tim Cook is happy with the performance of the three Apple Developer Academies that already exist in Indonesia.

“We are opening our fourth Apple Developer Academy. We just announced it yesterday, it´s going to be in Bali. We are very happy with the performance of the three of them, who have graduated thousands of people and are able to create applications for the Apps Store that are attractive not only domestically but also abroad. Therefore, we are very happy," said Tim Cook.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said that Apple plans to add a fourth Apple Developer Academy as an investment in Indonesia. Currently, there are three Apple Developer Academies spread across Surabaya, Batam and Tangerang.

"They announced yesterday that they would add one more facility in Bali. "And these are actually the four Apple Developer Academy facilities based on an agreement between Indonesia and Apple," said the Minister of Industry.

Furthermore, the Minister of Industry said that the Head of State invited Apple to form an innovation center that collaborates with the best universities in Indonesia for human resource development.

“This is also one thing that Tim Cook is also very eager to follow up on. "There was also a lot of discussion about how we develop human resources or human development in Indonesia through Apple," he said.