Jelang Ramadhan, Presiden Jokowi Pastikan Stok Beras Aman
Ahead of Ramadan, Indonesian Govt Guarantees Sufficient Rice Stocks
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Karawang, Jabar [B2B] - Menjelang bulan Ramadan, pemerintah memperkuat antisipasi terhadap stabilitas harga bahan pokok, khususnya beras. Dalam keterangannya kepada awak media di Pangkalan TNI AU Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta, Senin, 4 Maret 2024, Presiden Jokowi menyatakan bahwa stok beras nasional dalam kondisi yang baik dan tidak ada masalah yang perlu dikhawatirkan.
Menurut Presiden Jokowi, persiapan menjelang bulan puasa dan Lebaran, termasuk ketersediaan bahan pokok, merupakan prioritas utama pemerintah. “Untuk beras, saya kira stoknya tidak ada masalah, dan bahan-bahan lainnya nanti secara detail saya lihat di lapangan,” ujar Jokowi.
Presiden Jokowi menyebut bahwa harga beras di beberapa pasar, khususnya di pasar-pasar utama seperti Pasar Induk Cipinang dan Pasar Johar di Karawang, sudah mengalami penurunan. Presiden pun berharap panen raya yang akan segera terjadi bisa menurunkan harga beras lebih rendah lagi.
“Kita harapkan karena panen raya segera mungkin dalam satu bulan ke depan akan terjadi, saya kira harga itu akan turun banyak,” imbuhnya.
Meskipun harga gabah di lapangan dilaporkan telah mengalami penurunan, Presiden menekankan pentingnya penurunan harga yang tidak terlalu drastis agar petani tetap mendapat ruang keuntungan yang adil.
“Gabah juga saya mendapat informasi di lapangan sudah turun, tetapi turunnya jangan drastis, karena petani juga perlu diberikan ruang keuntungan,” tuturnya.
Karawang of West Java [B2B] - Approaching the month of Ramadan, the government is strengthening its anticipation of price stability for basic commodities, especially rice. In his statement to media crew at Halim Perdanakusuma TNI AU Base, Jakarta, Monday, March 4 2024, President Jokowi stated that the national rice stock was in good condition and there were no problems to worry about.
According to President Jokowi, preparations for the fasting month and Eid, including the availability of basic commodities, are the government´s main priority. "For rice, I don´t think there is a problem with the stock, and I will look at the other ingredients in detail later in the field," said Jokowi.
President Jokowi said that the price of rice in several markets, especially in main markets such as Cipinang Main Market and Johar Market in Karawang, had decreased. The President also hopes that the upcoming big harvest will reduce rice prices even lower.
"We hope that because the main harvest will occur soon, perhaps within the next month, I think the price will drop a lot," he added.
Even though grain prices in the field have reportedly decreased, the President emphasized the importance of price reductions that are not too drastic so that farmers can still get a fair profit margin.
"I also received information that grain in the field has fallen, but the decline should not be drastic, because farmers also need to be given room for profit," he said.