Presiden Jokowi Tegaskan Golden Visa Akan Mudahkan WNA Berinvestasi di Indonesia
Presiden Jokowi Tegaskan Golden Visa Akan Mudahkan WNA Berinvestasi di Indonesia
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo [Jokowi] mengungkapkan rasa bahagia terhadap antusiasme dari warga negara asing yang mendaftar Golden Visa.
Hal ini disampaikan Jokowi saat meluncurkan Golden Visa Indonesia, di Grand Ballroom, The Ritz-Carlton, di Provinsi Jakarta, Kamis [25/7].
Jokowi mengungkapkan rasa bahagia terhadap antusiasme dari warga negara asing yang mendaftar Golden Visa.
Jokowi menyebutkan berdasarkan data dari Dirjen Imigrasi, sudah ada 300 pendaftar sejak program tersebut diperkenalkan. “Saya tadi tanyakan ke Pak Dirjen Imigrasi, yang daftar sudah 300 [pendaftar], saya kaget juga, banyak sekali," ujar Jokowi.
Ia menyampaikan program Golden Visa ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah proses izin tinggal bagi investor dan talenta global yang ingin berkontribusi di Indonesia. “Untuk mempermudah pelayanan kita kepada investor dan juga kepada global talent, yang diberikan kesempatan untuk datang ke Indonesia dengan fasilitas Golden Visa,” ujar Presiden.
Presiden memberikan kesempatan bagi warga negara asing secara perorangan untuk mendapatkan izin tinggal di Indonesia selama lima tahun dengan berinvestasi melalui Golden Visa ini. “Perorangan jadi USD350 ribu dan untuk korporasi USD25 juta,” ujarnya.
Jokowi mengharapkan investor yang akan berinvestasi di Indonesia berjumlah banyak dan harus mengikuti seleksi supaya yang tinggal di negara kita bukan Warga Negara Asing yang tidak ada manfaatnya di Indonesia.
"Dengan catatan yang tadi saya sampaikan, semuanya harus diseleksi seketat mungkin. Sebanyak-banyaknya tapi diseleksi. Tadi kan saya tegaskan, jangan sampai justru orang-orang yang tidak bermanfaat bagi negara kita, masuk. Enggak, harus diseleksi, seketat mungkin," jelasnya.
Ia juga menyampaikan bahwa kebijakan Golden Visa diadakan evaluasi setiap tiga bulan sekali.
"Ya, dilihat. Biasa kita evaluasi setiap tiga bulan," ungkapnya.
Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo [Jokowi] expressed his happiness with the enthusiasm of foreign citizens who registered for the Golden Visa.
This was conveyed by Jokowi when launching the Indonesian Golden Visa, at the Grand Ballroom, The Ritz-Carlton, in Jakarta Province, Thursday [25/7].
Jokowi expressed his happiness with the enthusiasm of foreign nationals who registered for the Golden Visa.
Jokowi said that based on data from the Director General of Immigration, there had been 300 registrants since the program was introduced. "I asked the Director General of Immigration, there were already 300 [registrants], I was surprised too, there were so many," said Jokowi.
He said that the Golden Visa program aims to simplify the residence permit process for investors and global talents who want to contribute to Indonesia. "To simplify our service to investors and also to global talent, who are given the opportunity to come to Indonesia with the Golden Visa facility," said the President.
The President provides the opportunity for individual foreign citizens to obtain a residence permit in Indonesia for five years by investing through this Golden Visa. "Individuals get USD 350 thousand and for corporations USD 25 million," he said.
Jokowi hopes that there will be a large number of investors who will invest in Indonesia and must take part in a selection process so that those living in our country are not foreign nationals who have no benefit in Indonesia.
"With the notes I said earlier, everything must be selected as strictly as possible. As many as possible but selected. I emphasized earlier, don't let people who are not useful for our country enter. No, they must be selected, as strictly as possible," he explained. .
He also said that the Golden Visa policy is evaluated every three months.
"Yes, look at it. We usually evaluate it every three months," he said.