Pemerintah Teken Empat Kesepakatan Dengan Timor Leste
Indonesian Govt Signs Four Agreements with Timor Leste
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Bogor, Jabar [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dan Perdana Menteri (PM) Republik Demokratik Timor Leste, Xanana Gusmao, menyepakati empat hal. Pertama, kedua pemimpin sepakat mendorong penyelesaian perundingan perbatasan kedua negara.
“Saya juga menyambut baik reaktivasi joint border committee untuk pengelolaan perbatasan termasuk reaktivasi pos lintas batas,” ujar Presiden Jokowi dalam keterangan pers bersama dengan PM Xanana Gusmao usai pertemuan di Istana Kepresidenan Jakarta, Jumat [26/1].
Kedua, Indonesia dan Timor-Leste sepakat meningkatkan kerja sama di bidang ekonomi. Presiden Jokowi pun menyambut baik komitmen Pemerintah Timor-Leste untuk menciptakan iklim investasi yang lebih baik melalui perjanjian perlindungan investasi.
“Saya juga mengapresiasi kepercayaan Timor-Leste pada BUMN Indonesia dalam berbagai proyek, seperti pembangunan jalan di Oekusi, serta perluasan Bandara Internasional Dili,” imbuhnya.
Ketiga, Indonesia dan Timor-Leste juga bersepakat untuk mendorong kerja sama untuk meningkatkan infrastruktur telekomunikasi di kedua negara.
“Dengan penandatanganan MoU kerja sama teknologi informasi, kita juga mendorong kerja sama infrastruktur telekomunikasi, termasuk rencana investasi fiber optic,” ujar Jokowi.
Sedangkan terkait kerja sama di kawasan, Indonesia berkomitmen untuk terus mendukung keanggotaan penuh Timor-Leste di ASEAN.
“Kami juga tadi membahas isu Myanmar, di mana kedua negara sepakat untuk mendukung Keketuaan Laos di ASEAN tahun ini dalam mendorong implementasi 5PC [Five-Point Consensus],” ujar Jokowi.
Dalam pernyataannya, Presiden Jokowi juga menyampaikan apresiasi atas kunjungan PM Xanana Gusmao ke Indonesia yang dinilainya sebagai bentuk kerja sama erat kedua negara.
“Merupakan kehormatan bagi indonesia menerima kunjungan resmi pertama Perdana Menteri Xanana Gusmao sejak dilantik bulan Juli yang lalu, ini menunjukkan hubungan kedua negara Timor-Leste dan Indonesia yang semakin erat,” pungkasnya.
Bogor of West Java[B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Prime Minister (PM) of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste, Xanana Gusmao, agreed on four things. First, the two leaders agreed to encourage the completion of border negotiations between the two countries.
"I also welcome the reactivation of the joint border committee for border management including the reactivation of cross-border posts," said President Jokowi in a joint press statement with PM Xanana Gusmao after a meeting at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Friday [26/1].
Second, Indonesia and Timor-Leste agreed to increase cooperation in the economic sector. President Jokowi also welcomed the Timor-Leste Government's commitment to creating a better investment climate through an investment protection agreement.
"I also appreciate Timor-Leste's trust in Indonesian BUMN in various projects, such as the construction of roads in Oekusi, as well as the expansion of Dili International Airport," he added.
Third, Indonesia and Timor-Leste also agreed to encourage cooperation to improve telecommunications infrastructure in both countries.
"By signing the MoU on information technology cooperation, we are also encouraging cooperation on telecommunications infrastructure, including fiber optic investment plans," said the Head of State.
Meanwhile, regarding cooperation in the region, Indonesia is committed to continuing to support Timor-Leste's full membership in ASEAN.
"We also discussed the issue of Myanmar, where the two countries agreed to support Laos' Chair in ASEAN this year in encouraging the implementation of the 5PC [Five-Point Consensus]," said President Jokowi.
In his statement, President Jokowi also expressed his appreciation for PM Xanana Gusmao's visit to Indonesia, which he saw as a form of close cooperation between the two countries.
"It is an honor for Indonesia to receive the first official visit from Prime Minister