Jokowi Temui Surya Paloh

Presidential Candidate of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle Meets with Surya Paloh

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Jokowi Temui Surya Paloh
Jokowi bertemu Surya Paloh (kiri) Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo, calon presiden dari PDI Perjuangan menemui Ketua Umum Partai Nasional Demokrat (Nasdem) di kantornya di Jakarta, Sabtu.

Joko Widodo atau akrab disapa Jokowi tiba di Kantor NasDem sekitar pukul 11.00 WIB, di ruang tunggu terlebih dahulu hadir  Sekretaris Jenderal DPP PDI Perjuangan Tjahjo Kumolo.

Jokowi dan Tjahjo diantar untuk menemui Surya Paloh yang ruangannya berada di lantai lima kantor NasDem. Di dalam ruangan, Surya Paloh menyambut kehadiran Jokowi dan Tjahjo Kumolo.

Sementara Surya Paloh didampingi Sekretaris Jenderal Partai NasDem, Patrice Rio Capella. Mereka saling bersalaman dan saling berbincang satu sama lain. Namun belum diketahui apa yang dibahas dalam pertemuan tersebut.

Sekjen PDI Perjuangan Tjahjo Kumolo sebelumnya mengemukakan telah bertemu dengan Surya Paloh dan berdiskusi tentang bagaimana membangun bangsa Indonesia ke depan.

"Setelah hasil quick count, saya diskusi panjang lebar dengan Pak Surya Paloh di sini, ya untuk bagaimana membangun bangsa ini ke depan. Beberapa pemikiran-pemikiran kami sampaikan ke Pak Surya Paloh sebagai pemikiran PDI Perjuangan," kata Tjahjo.

Bagi PDI Perjuangan tidak ada istilah koalisi, tapi pihaknya ingin membangun kerja sama politik, katanya.

"Dengan semua partai, kami ketemu. Itu aja intinya. Banyak hal-hal setelah kami ketemu, untuk bisa saling konfirmasi, saling mendalami, itu aja," katanya.

Jakarta (B2B) - Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo, the presidential candidate from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, met with National Democratic (NasDem) party general chairman Surya Paloh on Saturday.

Jokowi arrived at the NasDem office at 11 am and was greeted by PDIP Secretary General Tjahjo Kumolo before meeting with Surya Paloh.

The PDIP presidential hopeful and Tjahyo Kumolo were then ushered into Palohs office on the fifth floor of the NasDem office building.

In the company of NasDem Secretary General Patrice Rio Capella, Paloh also greeted Jokowi and Kumolo. No information has been released on what was discussed.

However, it has been rumored that PDIP and NasDem will probably seek to merge their votes during the presidential elections.

Bjahjo Kumolo said that several days ago he met with Surya Paloh for a discussion.

"After seeing the quick count of the legislative election results, Surya Paloh and I had a long discussion about efforts to develop the nation in the future," Kumolo said.

He said the main point of their discussion was to strengthen and develop the system of presidential government.

"PDIP has no term of coalition, but we want to build a political cooperation," Kumolo said.