Presiden Jokowi Cek Stok Bahan Pangan di Tanjungbalai
President Jokowi Checks Food Stocks in Tanjungbalai
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Tanjungbalai, Sumut [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) meninjau langsung harga dan stok sejumlah bahan pokok yang ada di Pasar Kawat, Kota Tanjungbalai, Provinsi Sumatra Utara, pada Kamis (14/3).
Salah satu bahan pokok yang ditinjau Presiden Jokowi adalah beras. Menurut Presiden, harga beras di Kota Tanjungbalai, Provinsi Sumatra Utara, cukup baik dan stabil.
"Beras yang SPHP Bulog stoknya ada, harganya Rp57 ribu untuk 5 kilo, kemudian beras lokal, medium, harga masih di Rp12.800 saya kira dibandingkan provinsi yang lain masih baik," ujar Jokowi dalam keterangannya kepada awak media usai peninjauan.
Sementara itu, Presiden menyebut bahwa harga cabai masih mengalami kenaikan. Namun, Presiden meyakini bahwa jika stabilitas harga tersebut dapat dikendalikan, maka akan memberikan banyak manfaat bagi masyarakat.
"Saya kira menjelang Ramadan kalau stabilitas harga bisa kita kendalikan seperti ini akan baik untuk masyarakat," ucap Presiden.
Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Kepala Negara turut memberikan bantuan kepada para pedagang di Pasar Kawat. Pemilik kedai rempah Haji Sokon mengatakan bahwa ia akan menggunakan bantuan tersebut untuk meningkatkan modal usahanya.
"Rencananya untuk dimodalkan kembali untuk dagang rempah-rempah," ucapnya.
Ia pun sangat mengapresiasi kunjungan Presiden Jokowi ke Kota Tanjungbalai. Menurutnya, kunjungan tersebut merupakan kunjungan kepala negara yang pertama sejak kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia.
"Alhamdulillah sangat senang sekali karena Bapak itu membawa keberkahan bagi Kota Tanjungbalai tercinta ini. Baru seumur-umur sejak kemerdekaan RI, presiden baru inilah datang ke Tanjungbalai," tuturnya.
Tanjungbalai, North Sumatra [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) directly inspected the prices and stocks of a number of basic commodities at the Wire Market, Tanjungbalai City, North Sumatra Province, on Thursday (14/3).
One of the staple foods reviewed by President Jokowi is rice. According to the President, the price of rice in Tanjungbalai City, North Sumatra Province, is quite good and stable.
"The rice that SPHP Bulog has in stock, the price is IDR 57 thousand for 5 kilos, then local rice, medium, the price is still at IDR 12,800, I think compared to other provinces it is still good," said Jokowi in his statement to media crew after the inspection.
Meanwhile, the President said that chili prices were still increasing. However, the President believes that if price stability can be controlled, it will provide many benefits for society.
"I think that ahead of Ramadan, if we can control price stability like this, it will be good for society," said the President.
On this occasion, the Head of State also provided assistance to traders at the Wire Market. Spice shop owner Haji Sokon said that he would use the assistance to increase his business capital.
"The plan is to reinvest in the spice trade," he said.
He also really appreciated President Jokowi's visit to Tanjungbalai City. According to him, this visit was the first visit by a head of state since the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.
"Alhamdulillah, I am very happy because you have brought blessings to this beloved city of Tanjungbalai. It's only been a lifetime since the Republic of Indonesia's independence that this new president has come to Tanjungbalai," he said.