Pemerintah Tingkatkan Sambungan Jaringan Gas Rumah Tangga
Indonesian Govt Increases Household Gas Network Connections
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Jakarta [B2B] - Pemerintah akan meningkatkan sambungan jaringan gas [jargas] rumah tangga untuk mengurangi penggunaan liquefied petroleum gas [LPG], khususnya penggunaan LPG tabung gas 3 kilogram (kg).
Menteri Koordinator [Menko] Bidang Perekonomian mengungkapkan, penggunaan LPG 3 kg menunjukkan tren peningkatan yang memicu peningkatan subsidi hingga menjadi Rp117 triliun di tahun 2023.
"Di tahun 2022 kemarin [penggunaan] mencapai 7,8 juta ton, ini yang subsidi, dan yang nonsubsidi itu turun terus, jadi yang tahun kemarin sekitar 580 ribu. Nah, subsidi ini diperkirakan di tahun ini subsidinya bisa mencapai Rp117 triliun," ungkap Airlangga.
Hingga saat ini, kata Airlangga, progres penyambungan jaringan gas rumah tangga baru mencakup 835 ribu rumah. Dari 835 sambungan tersebut, sebanyak 594 ribu pendanaannya berasal dari pemerintah dan 241 ribu dari Perusahaan Gas Negara [PGN].
"Ini menjadi perhatian pemerintah agar jaringan gas ini bisa dinaikkan di tahun 2024 ke angka 2,5 juta jaringan," ujarnya.
Terkait penambahan tersebut, kata Airlangga, pemerintah tengah mengkaji kebijakan pembuatan regulasi yang memungkinkan pelibatan pihak swasta melalui skema kerja sama pemerintah dan badan usaha [KPBU].
"Caranya tentu mengubah perpres sehingga memungkinkan pihak swasta bisa ikut di dalam pengembangan jaringan gas kota. Nah, tentu pengembangan ini membutuhkan revisi daripada peraturan presiden, sehingga dalam peraturan presiden nanti akan ditunjuk Menteri ESDM sebagai penanggung jawab untuk kerja sama KPBU," tandasnya.
Jakarta [B2B] - The government will improve household gas network connections (jargas) to reduce the use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), especially the use of 3 kilogram (kg) LPG gas cylinders.
The Coordinating Minister (Menko) for Economic Affairs revealed that the use of 3 kg LPG shows an increasing trend which will trigger an increase in subsidies to IDR 117 trillion in 2023.
"In 2022 [usage] reached 7.8 million tons, this is subsidized, and the non-subsidized one continues to fall, so last year it was around 580 thousand. "Well, it is estimated that this year the subsidy could reach IDR 117 trillion," said Airlangga.
To date, said Airlangga, the progress of connecting the household gas network has only covered 835 thousand homes. Of the 835 connections, funding for 594 thousand came from the government and 241 thousand from the National Gas Company (PGN).
"This is the government´s concern so that this gas network can be increased by 2024 to 2.5 million networks," he said.
Regarding this addition, said Airlangga, the government is currently reviewing policies for making regulations that allow the involvement of the private sector through a government and business entity cooperation scheme (KPBU).
"The way to do this is of course to change the presidential regulation so that it allows private parties to participate in the development of the city gas network. "Well, of course this development requires a revision of the presidential regulations, so that in the presidential regulations the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources will be appointed as the person responsible for PPP cooperation," he stressed.