Gedung Baru RSHS Bandung, Jokowi: Tingkatkan Standar Pelayanan Ibu dan Anak
New Building of RSHS Bandung, Jokowi: Improve Standards of Mother and Child Services
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Bandung, Jabar [B2B] - Presiden Joko Widodo menyampaikan, gedung delapan lantai dengan kapasitas 490 tempat tidur ini diharapkan menjadi standar bagi rumah sakit lain di Indonesia.
Hal ini disampaikan Presiden Jokowi usai meresmikan Gedung Pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) Kota Bandung, Provinsi Jawa Barat, Kamis (29/8) siang.
“Saya tadi masuk tata ruangnya sangat bagus, furniturnya sangat bagus. Dan yang paling penting, seluruh peralatan rumah sakit [sudah] digital, modern, dan ini akan kita jadikan contoh standar kualitas rumah sakit beserta nanti manajemennya,” kata Presiden Jokowi dalam sambutannya saat peresmian.
Jokowi mengapresiasi tata ruang dan fasilitas gedung baru yang menyerupai standar hotel bintang empat atau lima.
“Ini akan menaikkan standar kualitas kita. Saya mendapatkan keluhan, rumah sakit daerah kita itu apalagi kalau kelas tiga gelap, gelap. Ini enggak ada, terang benderang semuanya di sini,” sambungnya.
Jokowi juga berharap pelayanan RSHS khususnya bagian Pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak ini mampu bersaing dengan fasilitas medis di negara tetangga, sehingga masyarakat tidak perlu mencari pengobatan ke luar negeri.
“Jadi yang ingin bayi tabung, yang anaknya sakit, enggak usah lah kita bawa ke Singapura, kita bawa ke Malaysia kita bawa… cukup di Hasan Sadikin, sudah. Semangatnya harus seperti itu, semangat harus semangat kompetisi dengan negara lain.,” tambah Jokowi.
Jokowi menambahkan, dengan anggaran sebesar Rp383 miliar, pembangunan gedung ini mencerminkan komitmen pemerintah untuk menghadirkan layanan kesehatan berkualitas bagi masyarakat.
“Enggak apa-apa, asal kualitas rumah sakitnya seperti ini, pemerintah saya kira enggak ada masalah,” pungkasnya.
Bandung of West Java [B2B] - President Joko Widodo said that the eight-story building with a capacity of 490 beds is expected to be the standard for other hospitals in Indonesia.
This was conveyed by President Jokowi after inaugurating the Maternal and Child Health Service Building of Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) in Bandung City, West Java Province, Thursday (29/8) afternoon.
"I just entered the layout, it's very good, the furniture is very good. And most importantly, all the hospital equipment [is] digital, modern, and we will use this as an example of hospital quality standards and later its management," said President Jokowi in his remarks during the inauguration.
Jokowi appreciated the layout and facilities of the new building which resembled the standards of a four or five-star hotel.
"This will raise our quality standards. I get complaints, our regional hospitals, especially class three, are dark, dark. This doesn't exist, everything is bright and clear here," he continued.
Jokowi also hopes that the RSHS service, especially the Maternal and Child Health Service, will be able to compete with medical facilities in neighboring countries, so that people do not need to seek treatment abroad.
"So those who want IVF, whose children are sick, we don't need to take them to Singapore, we take them to Malaysia, we take them... just to Hasan Sadikin, that's it. The spirit must be like that, the spirit must be the spirit of competition with other countries," added Jokowi.
Jokowi added that with a budget of Rp383 billion, the construction of this building reflects the government's commitment to providing quality health services to the community.
"It's okay, as long as the quality of the hospital is like this, I think the government has no problem," he concluded.