Menkeu: Indonesia Raih Surplus Keseimbangan Primer Pertama Kali Sejak 2012
Indonesian Govt Achieves First Primary Balance Surplus Since 2012
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Jakarta [B2B] - Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2023 mencatatkan sejarah baru dengan tercapainya surplus keseimbangan primer. Capaian ini adalah yang pertama sejak tahun 2012.
Hal ini disampaikan oleh Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati dalam Rapat Paripurna Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) mengenai Tanggapan Pemerintah terhadap Pandangan Fraksi atas Rancangan Undang-Undang tentang Pertanggungjawaban atas Pelaksanaan APBN (RUU P2APBN) Tahun Anggaran 2023, Selasa (20/8), di Senayan, Jakarta.
“Pada tahun 2023, Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP) mencatatkan beberapa prestasi yang cukup menonjol. Pertama, keseimbangan primer mencatat positif pertama kali sejak 2012. Kedua, surplus laporan operasional ini juga pertama kali terjadi sejak penerapan basis accounting akrual tahun 2025. Ketiga, kenaikan ekuitas pemerintah atau negara tanpa melalui revaluasi pertama kali terjadi sejak tahun 2015,” kata Menkeu.
Menkeu mengatakan, pendapatan negara yang berhasil melampaui target dan penerimaan pajak yang tumbuh kuat menjadi faktor utama di balik capaian ini.
Menurutnya, Keberhasilan ini menunjukkan ketahanan ekonomi Indonesia di tengah tekanan global, sekaligus membuktikan bahwa pengelolaan fiskal yang prudent memberikan dampak positif yang nyata.
Lebih lanjut, Sri Mulyani menekankan bahwa pemerintah terus berupaya menjaga agar tax ratio terus dapat ditingkatkan. Peningkatan tax ratio tahun 2023 terjadi dengan penerimaan pajak melebihi target undang-undang.
Pemerintah terus meningkatkan perbaikan dari sisi internal dan juga bekerja sama dengan stakeholder eksternal.
“Secara internal, tax ratio dipengaruhi oleh struktur ekonomi, kebijakan perpajakan, dan sistem administrasi perpajakan yang harus terus diefisiensikan. Dari sisi eksternal, pemerintah menghadapi tantangan situasi global yang menantang. Kami juga terus bekerja sama dalam forum global taxation agar Indonesia tidak terancam oleh base erosion profit shifting praktik penghindaran pajak antarnegara,” pungkas Menkeu.
Jakarta [B2B] - The 2023 State Budget (APBN) has recorded a new history by achieving a primary balance surplus. This achievement is the first since 2012.
This was conveyed by the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati in the Plenary Meeting of the House of Representatives (DPR) regarding the Government's Response to the Faction's Views on the Draft Law on Accountability for the Implementation of the APBN (RUU P2APBN) for the 2023 Fiscal Year, Tuesday (20/8), in Senayan, Jakarta.
"In 2023, the Central Government Financial Report (LKPP) recorded several quite prominent achievements. First, the primary balance recorded a positive for the first time since 2012. Second, this operational report surplus is also the first to occur since the implementation of the accrual accounting basis in 2025. Third, the increase in government or state equity without going through a revaluation occurred for the first time since 2015," said the Minister of Finance.
The Minister of Finance said that state revenues that successfully exceeded the target and tax revenues that grew strongly were the main factors behind this achievement.
According to her, this success shows the resilience of the Indonesian economy amidst global pressure, while also proving that prudent fiscal management has a real positive impact.
Furthermore, Sri Mulyani emphasized that the government continues to strive to ensure that the tax ratio continues to be increased. The increase in the tax ratio in 2023 occurred with tax revenues exceeding the statutory target.
The government continues to improve internally and also collaborates with external stakeholders.
"Internally, the tax ratio is influenced by the economic structure, tax policies, and tax administration systems that must continue to be made more efficient. From an external perspective, the government faces the challenges of a challenging global situation. We also continue to work together in the global taxation forum so that Indonesia is not threatened by base erosion profit shifting tax avoidance practices between countries," concluded the Minister of Finance.