Bali Digusur Cape Town sebagai Destinasi Termurah Sejagat versi `Post Office`
Cape Town is the Cheapest Long-haul Resort This Year, Beating Bali for the First Time
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
CAPE TOWN di Afrika Selatan dinyatakan sebagai destinasi wisata termurah di dunia.
Menurut laporan tahunan Post Office Travel Money's annual Long Haul Holiday Report, Cape Town menyisihkan Bali untuk pertama kalinya sebagai destinasi wisata murah di dunia.
Tokyo sebagai destinasi termurah ketiga dunia setelah Cape Town dan Bali - yang mengungkap selisih harga biaya berwisata selama 12 bulan terakhir.
Dari 34 resor dan kota yang disurvei, Cape Town menjadi yang termurah dari hasil survei kesembilan Post Office.
Dengan pengeluaran hampir Rp1 jutaan dari 10 item biaya wisata, termasuk makan dan minuman, kota di Afrika Selatan secara signifikan lebih murah dari Bali di peringkat kedua (Rp1,2 jutaan).
Akibatnya, biaya wisata kini 28 persen lebih tinggi daripada di Cape Town.
Dengan biaya Rp1,3 juta, Tokyo tetap termurah ketiga di dunia tapi terjadi penurunan delapan persen harga lokal yang berarti ibukota Jepang kini mengancam Bali di peringkat kedua.
Meskipun biaya wisata yang rata-rata 25 persen di seluruh destinasi wisata telah diperhitungkan, Tokyo adalah salah satu yang biaya wisatanya turun 40 persen dari kota-kota yang disurvei pada 2015 sebagai dampak dari jatuhnya mata uang dunia.
Ini termasuk Orlando, dimana penurunan marjinal satu persen di toko-toko dan restoran berarti bahwa harga 12 persen lebih tinggi dari tahun lalu sesuai nilai tukar yang berlaku seperti dilansir MailOnline.
SOUTH AFRICA'S Cape Town has been revealed as the cheapest resort getaway this year.
According to Post Office Travel Money's annual Long Haul Holiday Report, the city has beaten Bali to top the rankings for the first time.
Tokyo remains the third cheapest but closes the gap on Cape Town and on Bali - which has seen steep price rises over the last 12 months.
Of the 34 resorts and cities surveyed, Cape Town proved the clear winner in the ninth Post Office survey.
At £48.89 for a ‘basket’ of ten tourist items, including meals and drinks, the South African city was significantly cheaper than runner-up Bali (£62.56), where the cost of eating out has mushroomed by over 50 per cent in the past 12 months.
As a result, tourist prices are now 28 per cent higher than in Cape Town.
At £63.87, Tokyo remains third cheapest in the value chart but an eight per cent fall in local prices means the Japanese capital is now challenging Bali for second place.
Although tourist costs are up by an average of 25 per cent across all destinations once the sterling exchange rate has been factored in, Tokyo is among the 40 per cent of resorts and cities surveyed where local prices have fallen below 2015 levels to cushion the negative impact of the falling pound.
These include Orlando, where a marginal fall of one per cent in shops and restaurants means that prices are 12 per cent higher than a year ago after the exchange rate is applied.