Pemerintah Salurkan Cadangan Beras di Biak Numfor

Indonesian Govt Distributes Food Aid in Biak Numfor Regency

Editor : Taswin Bahar
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Pemerintah Salurkan Cadangan Beras di Biak Numfor
BANTUAN PEMERINTAH: Presiden Jokowi menyerahkan bantuan pangan cadangan beras pemerintah (CBP) kepada sejumlah KPM, di Komplek Pergudangan Bulog Mandala, Biak Numfor, Papua.

Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden Joko Widodo membagikan bantuan pangan Cadangan Beras Pemerintah [CBP] kepada sejumlah Keluarga Penerima Manfaat [KPM] di Komplek Pergudangan Bulog Mandala, Kabupaten Biak Numfor, Provinsi Papua, pada Rabu sore, 22 November 2023.

Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Presiden menyampaikan bahwa bantuan serupa akan terus disalurkan oleh pemerintah kepada penerima manfaat hingga bulan Maret 2024 sejumlah 10 kilogram setiap bulannya.

“Ini nanti ibu dan bapak akan mendapatkan lagi nanti di bulan Desember, kemudian dilanjutkan lagi di Januari, Februari, Maret [tahun 2024],” ucap Jokowi.

Lebih lanjut, Kepala Negara menjelaskan bahwa bagi masyarakat yang belum terdaftar sebagai penerima bantuan, dapat mendaftarkan diri ke RT/RW atau kelurahan/desa setempat untuk didaftarkan ke dalam kuota tambahan.

“Ini memang yang mendapatkan ini yang banyak yang sudah mendapatkan PKH dan BPNT, nanti bapak ibu bisa mengajukan ke RT/RW setempat untuk masuk kuota tambahan,” imbuhnya.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Presiden Jokowi pun turut melontarkan sejumlah pertanyaan kepada masyarakat yang hadir dan memberikan hadiah sepeda kepada mereka.

“Tunjuk jari siapa yang tahu ibu kota negara baru Indonesia?” tanya Presiden.

Yan Drombewas, salah satu masyarakat yang hadir di sana dengan semangat mengangkat tangan dan berkesempatan untuk menjawabnya langsung di hadapan Presiden.

“Ibu Kota Nusantara,” jawabnya.

Setelah berhasil menjawab, Yan Drombewas pun langsung diberikan satu unit sepeda oleh Presiden Jokowi.

Jakarta [B2B] - President Joko Widodo distributed Government Rice Reserve (CBP) food aid to a number of Beneficiary Families (KPM) at the Bulog Mandala Warehouse Complex, Biak Numfor Regency, Papua Province, on Wednesday afternoon, November 22 2023.

On this occasion, the President said that similar assistance would continue to be distributed by the government to beneficiaries until March 2024 in the amount of 10 kilograms per month.

"Later, ladies and gentlemen will get this again in December, then continue again in January, February, March (2024)," said the President.

Furthermore, the Head of State explained that people who have not yet registered as aid recipients can register with the RT/RW or local sub-district/village to be registered in the additional quota.

"Indeed, many of those who have received PKH and BPNT have received it. Later, ladies and gentlemen, you can apply to the local RT/RW to enter the additional quota," he added.

On the same occasion, President Jokowi also asked a number of questions to the people present and gave them bicycles as gifts.

"Point your finger, who knows the capital of the new country of Indonesia?" asked the President.

Yan Drombewas, one of the people present there enthusiastically raised his hand and had the opportunity to answer directly in front of the President.

"The capital of the archipelago," he answered.

After successfully answering, Yan Drombewas was immediately given a bicycle by President Jokowi.

Also accompanying the President in this activity were Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karvanian, Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia, Main Director of Perum Bulog Budi Waseso, Special Staff to the President Billy Mambrasar, and Regent of Biak Numfor Henry Ario Naap.