Presiden Jokowi Ajak Jasa Keuangan Dukung Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Berkelanjutan
President Jokowi Invites Financial Services to Support Sustainable Economic Growth
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengajak pelaku industri jasa keuangan untuk terus menjaga industri jasa keuangan sekaligus menjaga ekonomi Indonesia agar inklusif dan berkelanjutan di tengah situasi geopolitik yang masih belum kondusif.
Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Presiden Jokowi saat memberikan sambutan pada Pertemuan Tahunan Industri Jasa Keuangan Tahun 2024, di Ballroom The St. Regis, DKI Jakarta, pada Selasa (20/02)
“OJK harus terus memperkuat inklusi dan literasi keuangan. Ini catatan saya di sini, tingkat inklusi keuangan kita di angka 75 persen dan tingkat literasi keuangan kita masih di angka 65 persen di 2023,” ujarnya.
Jokowi pun berharap, situasi politik di dalam negeri yang stabil usai pemilihan umum (pemilu) 2024 dapat mendorong arus investasi bergerak lebih meningkat dan lebih baik lagi.
“Yang paling penting politik negara kita, politik dalam negeri kita stabil dan pastinya ini melegakan para pelaku industri keuangan dan membangkitkan industri keuangan yang semakin kokoh untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan,” ujarnya.
Selain itu, Presiden juga mendorong industri jasa keuangan untuk turut membantu pertumbuhan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) melalui peningkatan akses permodalan.
“Yang tidak kalah pentingnya dukungan kita terhadap UMKM melalui perbankan dan asuransi. Kredit perbankan untuk UMKM saat ini masih 19 persen, ini perlu sebuah terobosan, perlu sebuah strategi agar ada peningkatan kredit perbankan kepada UMKM sehingga kita bisa melihat UMKM tumbuh dengan baik,” ujarnya.
Pada kesempatan itu, Presiden juga mengapresiasi resiliensi industri keuangan di tingkat permodalan perbankan yang mencapai 27,69 persen, atau di atas sejumlah negara di kawasan. Selain itu, Presiden juga mengapresiasi pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional yang terjaga di kisaran 5,05 persen, inflasi yang terkendali di 2,57 persen, cadangan devisa sebesar 145 miliar Dolar Amerika Serikat (AS), neraca perdagangan yang surplus sekitar Rp570 triliun, serta current account deficit yang surplus di 0,16 persen.
“Saya kira angka-angka seperti ini yang harusnya kita optimistis terhadap ekonomi Indonesia di tahun 2024 tetapi tetap harus hati-hati, tetap harus waspada, karena ekonomi global yang berubah sangat cepat, disrupsi teknologi yang masif terus terjadi,” tandasnya.
Menutup sambutannya, Presiden mengapresiasi peluncuran Taksonomi untuk Keuangan Berkelanjutan yang dilakukan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Ia pun berharap Taksonomi Keuangan Berkelanjutan tersebut dapat memberikan dampak yang baik terhadap perekonomian Indonesia ke depan.
“Saya mengapresiasi penyempurnaan Taksonomi Keuangan Berkelanjutan Indonesia yang diluncurkan tadi oleh Pak Ketua OJK, sehingga inisiatif keuangan hijau dapat menyeimbangkan aspek ekonomi, aspek lingkungan, dan inklusivitas. Terima kasih atas dedikasi Bapak-Ibu, atas kerja keras OJK dalam memajukan sektor keuangan, dan mari kita bersama-sama menghadapi tantangan dan mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi kita yang lebih baik,” pungkasnya.
Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) invited financial services industry players to continue to protect the financial services industry while maintaining the Indonesian economy to be inclusive and sustainable amidst a geopolitical situation that is still not conducive.
This was conveyed by President Jokowi when giving a speech at the 2024 Financial Services Industry Annual Meeting, at The St. Regis, DKI Jakarta, on Tuesday (20/02)
“OJK must continue to strengthen financial inclusion and literacy. "This is my note here, our financial inclusion level is at 75 percent and our financial literacy level will still be at 65 percent in 2023," he said.
Jokowi also hopes that the stable political situation in the country after the 2024 general election (election) can encourage investment flows to move further and be better.
"The most important thing is that our country's politics, our domestic politics are stable and this will certainly provide relief to financial industry players and generate an increasingly strong financial industry to support inclusive and sustainable economic growth," he said.
Apart from that, the President also encouraged the financial services industry to help the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) by increasing access to capital.
"What is no less important is our support for MSMEs through banking and insurance. "Bank credit for MSMEs is currently still 19 percent, this needs a breakthrough, we need a strategy so that there is an increase in bank credit to MSMEs so that we can see MSMEs grow well," he said.
On that occasion, the President also appreciated the resilience of the financial industry with banking capital levels reaching 27.69 percent, or above a number of countries in the region. Apart from that, the President also appreciated national economic growth which was maintained at around 5.05 percent, controlled inflation at 2.57 percent, foreign exchange reserves of 145 billion United States (US) Dollars, a trade balance surplus of around IDR 570 trillion, and the current account deficit and surplus at 0.16 percent.
"I think with numbers like these we should be optimistic about the Indonesian economy in 2024 but we still have to be careful, we still have to be vigilant, because the global economy is changing very quickly, massive technological disruption continues to occur," he said.
Closing his remarks, the President appreciated the launch of the Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance carried out by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). He also hopes that the Sustainable Finance Taxonomy can have a good impact on the Indonesian economy in the future.
"I appreciate the refinement of the Indonesian Sustainable Finance Taxonomy launched earlier by the Chairman of the OJK, so that green finance initiatives can balance economic aspects, environmental aspects and inclusiveness. "Thank you for your dedication, ladies and gentlemen, for OJK's hard work in advancing the financial sector, and let's face the challenges together and achieve better economic growth," he concluded.