Panglima TNI Lepas Keberangkatan 1.169 Prajurit ke Lebanon
1,169 TNI Soldiers Left for Lebanon on a Peace Mission
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
![Panglima TNI Lepas Keberangkatan 1.169 Prajurit ke Lebanon]( tambahan - tni.jpg)
Jakarta (B2B) - Panglima TNI Jenderal TNI Gatot Nurmantyo memimpin upacara militer di Mabes TNI Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur untuk melepas 1.169 prajurit TNI untuk bergabung dengan misi perdamaian Satuan Tugas Kontingen Garuda (Satgas Konga) Unifil (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) 2015-2016.
Jenderal TNI Gatot Nurmantyo dalam pengarahannya mengatakan, bahwa sejarah perjalanan bangsa Indonesia, dalam perjalanan mewujudkan Perdamaian Dunia sesuai dengan Pembukaan UUD 1945.
“Kontingen Garuda mendapat pengakuan dari internasional yang selama ini membawa nama baik bangsa Indonesia. Sebagai petugas Unifil, pasukan Garuda adalah duta bangsa dan terpilih untuk mengemban misi bangsa,” tegasnya.
Sebagai pedoman dasar dalam melaksanakan tugas, Panglima TNI memberikan penekanan untuk meningkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, meningkatkan disiplin prajurit, Sumpah Prajurit, Sapta Marga, dan Delapan Wajib TNI dimanapun kalian berada.
"Ketiga, tingkatkan kesiap siagaan operasional, serta pedomani prosedur tetap yang berlaku, serta waspadai situasi yang berkembang yang akan berdampak kepada situasi di Lebanon. Keempat, hindari pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang akan menghambat dalam pelaksanaan tugas dan selalu pelihara kesiap siagaan dimanapun kalian berada. Kelima, pelajari keberhasilan- keberhasilan pasukan terdahulu," kata Panglima TNI.
1.169 Prajurit TNI tersebut terbagi dalam beberapa Satgas, yaitu: 850 personel Batalyon Mekanis TNI Konga XXIII-J/Unifil dipimpin Letkol Inf Dwi Sasongko, S.E., 75 personel Military Police Unit (MPU) Konga XXV-H/Unifil dipimpin Letkol Cpm Zulkarnain SH, 150 personel Force Protection Company (FPC) Konga XXVI-H2/Unifil dipimpin Mayor Inf Catur Sutoyo, S.E., 50 personel Satgas Force Headquarter Support Unit (FHQSU) Konga XXVI-H1/Unifil dipimpin Kolonel Kav Jala Argananto, 6 (enam) personel Satgas Cimic TNI Konga XXXI-F/Unifil dipimpin Kapten Inf Batara Alex Bulo, 18 personel Satgas Military Community Outreach Unit (MCOU) Konga XXX-F/Unifil dipimpin Mayor Inf Roni Agus Widodo, 9 (sembilan) personel Satgas Level 2 Hospital Konga XXIX-G/Unifil dipimpin Mayor Ckm Dr. Purbanto Budi Susetyo, SPM, dan 11 personel Milstaf Seceast Unifil dipimpin Kolonel Inf Abdul Rahman.
Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian's Armed Forces Commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo bid farewell to the 1.169 soldiers in a military ceremony at the Cilangkap's TNI headquarters of East Jakarta to join the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (Unifil) for the 2015 to 2016 term.
The soldiers are part of the Garuda Contingent Task Force (Satgas Konga) who will carry out the UN peace mission in Lebanon.
Gen. Nurmantyo said that the participation of the Garuda Contingent in the UN peace mission has earned the country international recognition, which has improved its reputation worldwide.
"As Unifil officers, Garuda soldiers are national envoys sent to perform the mission of the nation," he said.
The TNI chief has urged the soldiers to increase their preparedness, understanding of the procedures, and alertness for handling any developments, which may have an impact on the security situation in Lebanon.
"Avoid committing violations, which may obstruct you from performing your duties and remain on standby wherever you are stationed," he said.
The 1,169 soldiers are divided into several task forces, with 850 of them being the personnel of the mechanical battalion of the TNI Konga XXIII-J/Unifil led by Lt Col Dwi Sasongko, 75 being personnel of the military police unit of Konga XXV-H/Unifil led by Lt Col Zulkarnain, and 150 personnel of the Force Protection Company (FPC) Konga XXVI-H2/Unifil led by Major Inf. Catur Sutoyo.
In addition, 50 personnel will join the task force of the Force Headquarter Support Unit (FHQSU) of Konga XXVI-H1/Unifil led by Col Kav Jala Argananto, six personnel will join the task force of Cimic of TNI Konga XXXI-F/Unifil led by Capt. Batara Alex Bulo.
Also 18 personnel of the task force of the Military Community Outreach Unit (MCOU) of Konga XXX-F/Unifil led by Major Roni Agus Widodo, nine personnel will join the level 2 hospital task force of Konga XXIX-G/Unifil led by Major Purbanto Budi Susetyo, and 11 personnel will join Milstaf Seceast Unifil led by Col Abdul Rahman.