Pemerintah Siap Ekspor Jagung demi Tekan Harga Pakan Ternak

President Chairs Meeting to Discuss Stability of Food Commodity Prices

Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Pemerintah Siap Ekspor Jagung demi Tekan Harga Pakan Ternak
STABILITAS HARGA PANGAN: Mendag Zulkifli Hasan dan Kepala Bapanas Prasetyo Adi memberikan keterangan pers, di Jakarta. (Foto: Setkab)

Jakarta [B2B] - Menteri Perdagangan [Mendag] Zulkifli Hasan  menyampaikan bahwa pemerintah akan melakukan impor jagung guna menekan harga jagung pakan ternak yang mulai merangkak naik.

Hal ini disampaikan Mendag Zulkifli usai mengikuti rapat terbatas [ratas] yang dipimpin oleh Presiden Jokowi terkait stabilitas harga komoditas pangan, khususnya jagung, gula, dan beras, di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, Senin [09/10].

"Jagung memang berangsur-angsur harga di tempat peternak ya naik. Oleh karena itu, tadi ditambah, ditambah karena kita impor jagung untuk industri, ditambah sebanyak 250 ribu ton tadi," ujar Mendag.

Zulkifli menekankan, jagung yang diimpor tersebut hanya diperuntukkan untuk pakan ternak dan bukan untuk konsumsi.

"Untuk peternakan, untuk industri, untuk peternakan, bukan konsumsi untuk industri pakan ternak," tegasnya.

Terkait ketersediaan beras, Mendag mengatakan bahwa saat ini Indonesia memiliki stok yang cukup. Namun Mendag mengakui, meskipun tidak naik, harga beras di sejumlah daerah masih belum turun.

"Stok cukup, mulai dari pusat, provinsi sampai kabupaten ya, jadi digelontorkan. Memang yang dekat-dekat, seperti Jakarta dan Jawa Barat sebagian sudah turun, tapi yang jauh-jauh belum turun tapi tidak naik lagi," ujarnya.

Mendag menambahkan, untuk mengantisipasi dampak dari El Nino pemerintah juga tengah menjalin kerja sama dengan sejumlah negara untuk pengadaan beras jika nanti diperlukan.

"Tadi diputuskan, kalau diperlukan ada kita bisa beli lagi beras itu walaupun nanti belum tentu dibawa kemari. Jadi, kalau ada kita beli, pada waktu yang diperlukan baru nanti diimpor," kata Mendag.

Sedangkan untuk gula, Zulkifli mengungkapkan bahwa harga gula mulai berangsur naik yang disebabkan minimnya realisasi pengadaan gula dari luar negeri untuk menutupi kekurangan suplai dari dalam negeri.

"Para pelaku importir gula, baru mengimpor gula itu kira-kira 30 persen. Jadi, yang diharuskan, dikeluarkan persetujuan impornya yang diputuskan neraca komoditas dan dihitung, direkomendasikan oleh perindustrian karena yang menunjuk itu dua ini, baru terealisasi kami cek, lebih kurang 30 persen," tandasnya.

Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) chaired a limited meeting (ratas) discussing the stability of food commodity prices, especially corn, sugar and rice, at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday (09/10/2023).

Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan, after attending the meeting, said that the government would import corn to reduce the price of corn for animal feed which was starting to creep up.

“The price of corn at the farmer's place is gradually increasing. "Therefore, it was added, it was added because we imported corn for industry, it was added by 250 thousand tons," said the Minister of Trade.

Zulkifli emphasized that the imported corn is only intended for animal feed and not for consumption.

"For animal husbandry, for industry, for animal husbandry, not consumption for the animal feed industry," he stressed.

Regarding the availability of rice, the Minister of Trade said that currently Indonesia has sufficient stocks. However, the Minister of Trade admitted that even though it had not increased, the price of rice in a number of regions had not yet fallen.

"There is enough stock, from the central, provincial to district levels, so it's being distributed. "Indeed, those that are close by, such as Jakarta and West Java, have partly fallen, but those that are further away have not fallen but are not rising again," he said.

The Minister of Trade added that to anticipate the impact of El Nino, the government is also collaborating with a number of countries to procure rice if it is needed later.

"Earlier it was decided that if there is a need, we can buy more rice, even though it won't necessarily be brought here. "So, if we buy it, we will import it at the required time," said the Minister of Trade.

Meanwhile, for sugar, Zulkifli revealed that the price of sugar was starting to gradually rise due to the lack of realization of sugar procurement from abroad to cover the shortage of supply from within the country.

“Sugar importers have only imported around 30 percent of sugar. "So, what is required is that an import approval be issued, which will be decided on the commodity balance and calculated, recommended by industry because these two are the ones that have been appointed, but we have only checked that it has been realized, more or less 30 percent," he stressed.