Pemerintah Awali Pemulihan Pelanggaran HAM Berat di Aceh
Indonesian Govt Begins Recovery of Serious Human Rights Violations in Aceh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Pidie, Aceh [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo [Jokowi] menekankan bahwa peluncuran program pelaksanaan rekomendasi penyelesaian nonyudisial pelanggaran hak asasi manusia [HAM] berat di Rumoh Geudong, Kabupaten Pidie, Aceh, merupakan langkah awal dalam penyelesaian peristiwa pelanggaran HAM yang pernah terjadi di Indonesia.
"Ini adalah langkah awal dimulai dari Aceh, dari Pidie," ucap Presiden dalam keterangan pers setelah peluncuran, pada Selasa [27/6].
Jokowi mengatakan, alasan peluncuran program dilaksanakan di Aceh khususnya di Kabupaten Pidie karena di tempat ini tersimpan kisah dari tiga peristiwa pelanggaran HAM berat yang pernah terjadi di Indonesia.
"Di sini memang ada tiga peristiwa, di Pidie Rumah Geudong, di Simpang KKA, dan di Jambo Keupok," imbuhnya.
Jokowi menekankan, program pelaksanaan rekomendasi penyelesaian nonyudisial pelanggaran HAM berat akan terus dilaksanakan.
"Setelah itu akan terus, ini langkah awal, sekali lagi ini baru langkah awal," tegasnya.
Presiden menambahkan, langkah yudisial tetap bisa dijalankan apabila terdapat bukti yang cukup berat melalui prosedur yang telah ditetapkan. Namun, saat ini Presiden menekankan untuk melaksanakan langkah nonyudisial guna menyelesaikan peristiwa pelanggaran HAM tersebut.
"Langkah yudisial itu apabila bukti-buktinya kuat, Komnas HAM menyampaikan ke Kejaksaan Agung, kemudian juga ada persetujuan dari DPR, baru itu bisa berjalan," ucap Jokowi.
"Tetapi kita ingin yang nonyudisial dulu yang bisa bergerak kita langsung selesaikan," tandasnya.
Pidie of Aceh [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stressed that the launch of a program to implement recommendations for non-judicial settlement of serious human rights (HAM) violations in Rumoh Geudong, Pidie District, Aceh, is the first step in resolving human rights violations that have occurred in Indonesia.
"This is the first step starting from Aceh, from Pidie," said the President in a press statement after the launch, on Tuesday (27/6).
Jokowi said the reason for the launch of the program was carried out in Aceh, especially in Pidie District, because this place stored the stories of three incidents of gross human rights violations that had occurred in Indonesia.
"There were indeed three incidents here, at Pidie Rumah Geudong, at Simpang KKA, and at Jambo Keupok," he added.
Jokowi stressed that the program for implementing recommendations for non-judicial settlements of gross human rights violations would continue to be implemented.
"After that it will continue, this is the first step, once again this is just the first step," he said.
The President added that judicial steps can still be carried out if there is sufficient evidence through the established procedures. However, currently the President is emphasizing to implement non-judicial steps to resolve these human rights violations.
"The judicial step is if the evidence is strong, Komnas HAM will convey it to the Attorney General's Office, then there will also be approval from the DPR, only then can it proceed," said Jokowi.
"But we want the non-judicial ones to move first, we will immediately finish them," he said.