Pembangunan Infrastruktur, Presiden Jokowi: Perkuat Sinergi dan Kerja Sama BRI
President Jokowi: Strengthen BRI Synergy and Cooperation for Infrastructure Development
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Beijing, China [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menuturkan bahwa dibutuhkan upaya bersama agar nilai-nilai Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) tetap terjaga untuk memperkuat sinergi dan kerja sama dalam pembangunan infrastruktur.
Hal tersebut disampaikan Presiden saat memberi pandangan dalam acara pembukaan Belt and Road Forum (BRF) ke-3, di Great Hall of The People, Beijing, pada Rabu (18/10),
"Saya berharap sinergi BRI dalam pembangunan infrastruktur dapat terus, dan di tengah situasi dunia yang makin terbelah kerja sama BRI tidak boleh dipolitisasi. Ini membutuhkan upaya kita bersama dalam menjaga nilai-nilai utama agar inisiatif ini makin kuat dan makin berdampak," ucap Jokowi.
Jokowi menilai bahwa rasa kepemilikan sangat penting untuk keberlangsungan sebuah proyek. Oleh karenanya dibutuhkan sinergi yang memberikan ruang kepemilikan bagi negara tuan rumah untuk melaksanakan proyek nasionalnya secara mandiri sebagaimana dalam proyek Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung di Indonesia.
"Indonesia memiliki proyek nasional Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung yang kemudian disinergikan dengan BRI dan baru-baru ini telah diluncurkan dan dioperasionalkan," jelas Jokowi.
Jokowi pun berharap ke depannya hal serupa dapat dilakukan dalam pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara.
"Ke depan, kami juga akan sinergikan pembangunan IKN, transisi energi, dan hilirisasi industri," tuturnya.
Selain itu, Kepala Negara juga menekankan agar proyek BRI harus dilandasi prinsip kemitraan yang setara dan saling menguntungkan antarpihak.
"Serta dilengkapi dengan perencanaan yang matang, penggunaan sistem pendanaan yang transparan, penyerapan tenaga kerja lokal, dan pemanfaatan produk dalam negeri," sambungnya.
Terakhir, Jokowi memandang bahwa keberlanjutan proyek BRI harus dipastikan untuk jangka panjang dan dapat memperkokoh fondasi ekonomi negara mitra. “Bukan justru mempersulit kondisi fiskalnya,” tegasnya.
Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Jokowi juga turut menyampaikan apresiasi kepada pemerintah Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) atas kontribusi yang diberikan kepada negara-negara berkembang melalui BRI.
Beijing of China [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that joint efforts are needed so that the values of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are maintained to strengthen synergy and cooperation in infrastructure development.
The President conveyed this when giving his views at the opening of the 3rd Belt and Road Forum (BRF), on Wednesday (18/10), at the Great Hall of the People, Beijing.
"I hope that BRI's synergy in infrastructure development can continue, and in the midst of an increasingly divided world situation, BRI cooperation must not be politicized. "This requires our joint efforts to maintain core values so that this initiative becomes stronger and more impactful," said the President.
President Jokowi considers that a sense of ownership is very important for the sustainability of a project. Therefore, synergy is needed that provides ownership space for the host country to carry out its national projects independently, as in the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train project in Indonesia.
"Indonesia has a national Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train project which was then synergized with BRI and has recently been launched and operationalized," explained the President.
The President also hopes that in the future similar things can be done in the development of the Indonesian Capital City. "In the future, we will also synergize IKN development, energy transition and industrial downstreaming," he said.
Apart from that, the Head of State also emphasized that the BRI project must be based on the principle of equal partnership and mutual benefit between parties. "And equipped with careful planning, use of a transparent funding system, absorption of local labor, and use of domestic products," he continued.
Finally, President Jokowi believes that the sustainability of the BRI project must be ensured for the long term and can strengthen the economic foundations of partner countries. "It's not actually complicating the fiscal condition," he stressed.
On this occasion, the President also expressed his appreciation to the government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) for the contribution made to developing countries through BRI.