Mulai Besok, Bali Siap Menerima Wisatawan dari 18 Negara
Doubts Over Demand on Eve of Indonesia´s Bali Reopening
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

MENGHITUNG jam jelang pembukaan pulau Bali untuk turis asing dari 18 negara, pada Kamis [14/10], setelah pemerintah melakukan penangguhan penerbangan international selama 18 bulan akibat pandemi Covid-19.
Bandara international I Gusti Ngurah Rai telah melakukan persiapan untuk menerima para turis asing yang datang. Namun, belum ada satu pun jadwal maskapai penerbangan yang akan mendarat di Bali.
"Sejauh ini belum ada jadwal penerbangannya," kata Stakeholder Relation Manager PT Angkasa Pura I Bandara I Gusti Ngurah Rai, Taufan Yudhistira.
Langkah-langkah imigrasi diberlakukan di Indonesia selama pandemi telah melumpuhkan ekonomi pulau tersebut, yang menyebabkan penutupan hotel, toko dan bisnis pariwisata lainnya.
Pemerintah saat ini ingin menghidupkan kembali industri pariwisata Bali, dengan menginjinkan masuk warga negara dari Korea Selatan, Selandia Baru, Cina, Jepang, Uni Emirat Arab dan 13 negara lainnya yang sudah memenuhi syarat, seperti dikutip Reuters yang dilansir MailOnline.
Kendati demikian, beberapa perwakilan industri pariwisata Indonesia menanggapi rencana pembukaan kembali Bali belum sesuai dengan permintaan.
Dinas Pariwisata Bali, I Putu Astawa mengatakan pemesanan hotel sedikit."Belum karena waktunya mendadak sekali," katanya kepada Reuters.
Menurutnya, para pelancong membutuhkan waktu untuk mengurus visa dan penerbangan.
Indonesia juga memberlakukan aturan untuk para pengunjung Bali menghabiskan lima hari pertama mereka di karantina, sebuah langkah yang sedang dihapus oleh pasar pariwisata saingan.
"Kami siap menerima wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Bali, tapi tentu bukan berarti semua tamu tiba-tiba berkunjung ke Bali," kata Direktur Eksekutif PHRI Bali, Ida Bagus Purwa Sidemen
"Paling cepat, akhir tahun kita bisa mengevaluasi apakah situasinya sudah membaik," tutupnya.
HOURS before Indonesia's top holiday destination Bali reopens to foreign tourists after 18 months of pandemic hiatus, the island is lacking one crucial ingredient: international flights.
Tourism-reliant Bali is scheduled to reopen on Thursday and though its Ngurah Rai international airport has carried out simulations preparing for the tourists to return, it is not expecting much to happen soon.
"So far there is no schedule," said Taufan Yudhistira, a spokesman for the airport.
Indonesia's tight immigration measures during the pandemic have devastated the island, with widespread closures of hotels, shops and businesses.
The government is keen to revive Bali's beleaguered tourism industry in response to a sharp fall in new coronavirus cases since July, when Indonesia was Asia's COVID-19 epicentre.
But it is not even clear who is allowed to visit.
A cabinet minister announced earlier this week that nationals from 18 countries were eligible, but did not specify which those were.
The government earlier this month said arrivals from South Korea, New Zealand, China, Japan and the United Arab Emirates would be permitted.
The move follows Thailand's calibrated reopening that began in July with much fanfare, with the islands of Samui and Phuket welcoming vaccinated tourists from multiple countries, with hundreds on the opening days.
Vietnam plans to welcome foreigners to its Phu Quoc island next month.
But some Indonesian tourism industry representatives say Bali's reopening plan is yet to be matched by demand.
I Putu Astawa from the Bali tourism agency said hotel reservations were few.
"Not yet because the timing is so sudden," he said, when asked about a spike in bookings.
"They need time to take care of visas and flights."
Indonesia is also requiring Bali visitors to spend their first five days in quarantine, a measure rival tourism markets are phasing out.
"We are ready to accept tourists who visit Bali, but certainly it does not mean all the guests suddenly visit Bali," said Ida Bagus Purwa Sidemen, executive director of the island's hotel and restaurant association.
"At the earliest, by the end of the year we can evaluate whether the situation has improved." (Writing by Kate Lamb; Editing by Martin Petty)