Jakarta Peringkat 8 Tereksis di Instagram, New York Teratas dari 10 Besar Dunia
The Most-Instagrammed Cities and Locations of 2017 Revealed: New York is No1
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

INI DIA kota paling banyak tampil di Instagram (Instagrammed) New York di peringkat pertama dan ternyata Jakarta di urutan ke-8.
Instagram, aplikasi berbagi foto merilis data tentang kota dan lokasi yang paling banyak tampil pada 2017, dan New York berada di peringkat nomor wahid dari daftar kota dunia, sementara Moskow di urutan kedua dan London peringkat tiga.
New York juga mendominasi peringkat di kategori lokasi. Disneyland, Anaheim, Amerika Serikat, adalah tempat-tempat yang paling menonjol pada 2017, tapi Times Square dan Central Park berada di peringkat kedua dan ketiga.
Kota-kota lain di 10 Besar adalah Sao Paulo, Paris, Los Angles, Saint Petersburg, Jakarta, Istanbul dan Barcelona.
Dan 10 destinasi wisata lainnya adalah Tour Eiffel, Tokyo Disney Resort, Disney's Magic Kingdom, Musee du Louvre, Jembatan Brooklyn, Disney California dan Las Vegas Strip.
Instagram juga merilis 10 hotel di dunia yang paling banyak disebut, peringkat pertama adalah Marina Bay Sands di Singapura.
Ini bukan hasil yang mengejutkan mengingat bahwa properti tersebut menawarkan salah satu kolam infinity yang paling menakjubkan di manapun di dunia ini.
10 hotel teratas ternyata sebagian besar berada di Las Vegas antara lain - Bellagio di Las Vegas, The Venetian di Las Vegas, Atlantis The Palm di Dubai, MGM Grand Las Vegas, Cosmopolitan dari Las Vegas, Wynn Las Vegas, Caesars Palace di Las Vegas, Fontainebleau Miami Beach dan Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino.
Museum yang paling-instagrammed, sementara itu, adalah Musee du Louvre di Paris, yang diikuti oleh Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York, Museum of Modern Art di New York, Museum Seni Los Angeles County, Museum London Inggris, Museum Sejarah Alam di New York, Amerika, Museum Seni Amerika Whitney di New York, Museum Victoria dan Albert di London, Museum Sejarah Alam London Inggris dan di Museum Es Krim Los Angeles.
Taman Nasional yang paling-instagrammed di AS adalah Grand Canyon, Yosemite dan Rocky Mountain, sementara lokasi geo yang paling banyak ditandai di Inggris adalah Tower Bridge, Hyde Park dan Buckingham Palace, diikuti oleh Shoreditch, Notting Hill, Covent Garden, Wembley Stadium, London Eye, Tate Modern dan O2.
Tidak ada kejutan sama sekali di 10 besar daftar kota Inggris, dengan London di peringkat satu, Edinburgh kedua dan Manchester ketiga. Selebihnya adalah Brighton, Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Leeds, Glasgow dan Cambridge, seperti dilansir MailOnline.
Dan hashtag perjalanan yang paling banyak digunakan tahun 2017? Adalah #travel.
The Most Instgrammed Places of 2017
1. New York
2. Moscow
3. London
4. Sao Paulo
5. Paris
6. Los Angeles
7. Saint Petersburg
8. Jakarta
9. Istanbul
10. Barcelona
1. Disneyland, Anaheim
2. Times Square, New York City
3. Central Park, New York City
4. Tour Eiffel, Paris
5. Tokyo Disney Resort, Tokyo, Japan
6. Disney's Magic Kingdom, Orlando
7. Musée du Louvre, Paris
8. Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn
9. Disney California Adventure Park, Anaheim
10. Las Vegas Strip, Las Vega
1. Marina Bay Sands Singapore
2. Bellagio Las Vegas
3. The Venetian Las Vegas
4. Atlantis The Palm, Dubai
5. MGM Grand Las Vegas
6. The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
7. Wynn Las Vegas
8. Caesars Palace, Las Vegas
9. Fontainebleau Miami Beach
10. Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino
1. Musée du Louvre (Paris)
2. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
3. MoMA The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
4. LACMA Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Los Angeles)
5. British Museum (London)
6. American Museum of Natural History (New York)
7. Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
8. Victoria and Albert Museum (London)
9. Natural History Museum (London)
10. Museum of Ice Cream (Los Angeles)
WHEN IT COMES to popularity on Instagram, New York rules the roost.
The photo-sharing app has released data for its most-Instagrammed cities and locations of 2017 and New York is ranked No1 in the city list, with Moscow coming second and London third.
New York also dominates the locations rankings, too. Disneyland, Anaheim, USA, is the most Instagrammed location of 2017, but it’s Times Square and Central Park in at second and third.
The rest of the cities top 10 is made up of Sao Paulo, Paris, Los Angles, Saint Petersburg, Jakarta, Istanbul and Barcelona.
And the other top 10 locations are Tour Eiffel, Tokyo Disney Resort, Disney’s Magic Kingdom, Musee du Louvre, Brooklyn Bridge, Disney California and Las Vegas Strip.
Instagram has also released the top 10 most-Instagrammed hotels in the world, with the No1 spot taken by the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.
It’s not a surprising result given that the property boasts one of the most stunning infinity pools anywhere in the world.
The rest of the hotel top 10 is comprised of mostly Las Vegas accommodation - the Bellagio in Las Vegas, The Venetian in Las Vegas, Atlantis The Palm in Dubai, the MGM Grand Las Vegas, the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, the Wynn Las Vegas, Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Fontainebleau Miami Beach and the Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino.
The most-Instagrammed museum, meanwhile, is the Musee du Louvre in Paris, followed by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, London’s British Museum, the American Museum of Natural History in New York, the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the UK capital’s Natural History Museum and in at No10 – LA’s Museum of Ice Cream.
The most-Instagrammed National Parks in the U.S are the Grand Canyon, Yosemite and Rocky Mountain, while the most tagged geo-locations in the UK are Tower Bridge, Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace, followed by Shoreditch, Notting Hill, Covent Garden, Wembley Stadium, the London Eye, Tate Modern and the O2.
There are no surprises at all in the UK top 10 cities list, with London in at No1, Edinburgh No2 and Manchester No3. The rest of the ranking is comprised of Brighton, Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Leeds, Glasgow and Cambridge.
And the most-used travel hashtag of 2017? That would be #travel.
The Most Instgrammed Places of 2017
1. New York
2. Moscow
3. London
4. Sao Paulo
5. Paris
6. Los Angeles
7. Saint Petersburg
8. Jakarta
9. Istanbul
10. Barcelona
1. Disneyland, Anaheim
2. Times Square, New York City
3. Central Park, New York City
4. Tour Eiffel, Paris
5. Tokyo Disney Resort, Tokyo, Japan
6. Disney's Magic Kingdom, Orlando
7. Musée du Louvre, Paris
8. Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn
9. Disney California Adventure Park, Anaheim
10. Las Vegas Strip, Las Vega
1. Marina Bay Sands Singapore
2. Bellagio Las Vegas
3. The Venetian Las Vegas
4. Atlantis The Palm, Dubai
5. MGM Grand Las Vegas
6. The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
7. Wynn Las Vegas
8. Caesars Palace, Las Vegas
9. Fontainebleau Miami Beach
10. Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino
1. Musée du Louvre (Paris)
2. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
3. MoMA The Museum of Modern Art (New York)
4. LACMA Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Los Angeles)
5. British Museum (London)
6. American Museum of Natural History (New York)
7. Whitney Museum of American Art (New York)
8. Victoria and Albert Museum (London)
9. Natural History Museum (London)
10. Museum of Ice Cream (Los Angeles)