Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia Ajukan 9 Tuntutan
Indonesian Labour Union Conveyed 9 Demands to Govt and Companies
Reporter : Roni Said
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Sembilan tuntutan diajukan oleh Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (KSPSI) kepada pihak berkepentingan terutama pemerintah dan pengusaha.
Tuntutan yang diajukan KSPSI itu didukung oleh sejumlah serikat buruh yang memadati Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, sejak Jumat siang.
Beberapa serikat buruh itu di antaranya itu adalah FARKES, FSPTSK, FSPLEM, FSPKEP, FSPNIBA, FSPRTMM, FSPPPMI, FSPPP dan FSPTD.
Kesembilan tuntutan KSPSI yang pertama adalah menolak kebijakan upah murah dengan mencabut Inpres Nomor 9/2013 yang menyengsarakan pekerja dan buruh. Salah satunya revisi komponen hidup lahayk (KHL) dari 60 menjadi 80 item.
Kedua, menghapuskan tenaga alih daya (outsourcing) yang tidak sesuai dengan Permenakertrans RI Nomor 19/2012.
Ketiga, membenahi dan menyempurnakan pelayanan BPJS Kesehatan minimal sama dengan JPK Jamsostek
Keempat, mengadili pelaku tindakan pemberangusan serikat buruh (union busting).
Kelima, merevisi peraturan perundang-undangan tentang pemerintahan daerah dan penegakkan UU Nomor 3 Tahun 1951 tentang Pengawasan Perburuhan.
Keenam, menurunkan harga sembako yang menyengsarakan buruh.
Ketujuh, merevisi ketentuan Pendapatan Tidak Kena Pajak (PTKP). PTKP harus setara dengan KHL dan masukkan pesangon pensiun dalam komponen PTKP.
Kedelapan, mendesak pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan buruh seperti realisasi rumah murah untuk buruh dan buat rumah sakit buruh.
Kesembilan, mewujudkan pekerjaan yang layak seperti dengan pengesahan UU PRT, perlindungan buruh migran, perbaikan kesejahteraan guru honorer di wilayah Indonesia.
Jakarta (B2B) - The Confederation of All Indonesian Labor Unions (KSPSI) conveyed nine demands to the government and businessmen during a rally staged by thousands of workers in front of the Merdeka Palace, here on Friday.
KSPSI, along with other labor unions, such as FARKES, FSPTSK, FSPLEM, FSPKEP, FSPNIBA, FSPRTMM, FSPPPMI, FSPPP, and FSPTD, submitted the demands on the occasion of International Labor Day or May Day celebrations, which is held annually on May 1.
They rejected the low-wage policy and called for the revocation of the Presidential Instruction No. 9/2013, which they believe is not conducive to the well-being of the laborers and workers.
The workers also demanded that outsourcing contracts should be annulled, in line with the Manpower and Transmigration Ministrys Decree No. 19/2012.
The implementation of the health insurance scheme under the BPJS program should also be improved, the Confederation demanded.
The workers also urged the government to lower the prices of basic goods, such as rice, and to improve the welfare of workers by providing low-cost houses and hospitals.
Meanwhile, on May 1, thousands of laborers from different organizations also congregated in the Hotel Indonesia (HI) Square to stage a demonstration in front of the Merdeka Palace, Central Jakarta, to mark Labor Day.
Some of the organizations that gathered in the HI Square were the Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Indonesia or KSPI, the Gerakan Serikat Buruh Indonesia or GSBI, the Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia or GSPMI, and other labor organizations.
The President of the KSPI Said Iqbal stated that thousands of honorary teachers also joined the demonstration in an effort to urge the government to improve their well-being.
According to Iqbal, the laborers have ten petitions to put forth on International Labor Day or May Day.
The ten petitions demanded by the laborers include a 30 percent hike in salary by 2015 and welfare components revision of 84 items. The laborers also denied the minimum salary postponement and urged the government to implement pension assurance for the laborers by July 2015.
In addition, the laborers asked the Indonesian leaders to implement the peoples health assurance and replace the INA-CBG tariffs with a fee-for-service system. They also urged the government to audit the Social Security Agency for the health and employment sectors.
The laborers have also asked the government to put an end to the outsourcing system, particularly in state enterprises and make the outsourced workers permanent. The laborers demanded that the parliament ratify the housemaid law and revise the migrant worker protection law no. 39/2004.