Presiden Jokowi Tegaskan Kualitas Hakim Kunci Sistem Peradilan di Tanah Air
President Jokowi Affirms the Quality of Judges as Key to the Judicial System
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menekankan bahwa kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) hakim merupakan kunci dalam sistem peradilan. Kualitas SDM hakim tersebut meliputi integritas, profesionalisme, dan kepekaan terhadap rasa keadilan masyarakat dan perkembangan zaman.
Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Jokowi pada Sidang Istimewa Laporan Tahunan Mahkamah Agung (MA) Republik Indonesia Tahun 2023, di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta, Selasa (20/02).
"Kualitas SDM hakim adalah kunci, integritasnya, profesionalismenya, kepekaannya terhadap rasa keadilan masyarakat, kepekaannya terhadap perkembangan zaman, termasuk perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi," ujarnya.
Oleh karena itu, Jokowi mengapresiasi inovasi yang dilakukan oleh MA sebagai bagian dari upaya untuk mendorong percepatan transformasi hukum di tanah air, salah satunya melalui sistem pendukung keputusan.
"Inovasi harus menjadi bagian dari reformasi, bukan hanya dengan mengadopsi teknologi baru tetapi juga perspektif dan sensitivitas dalam menyelesaikan perkara hukum, misalnya penerapan sistem restorative justice sebagai terobosan penyelesaian perkara," ujarnya.
Lebih lanjut, Jokowi juga menyambut baik reformasi internal yang dilakukan MA untuk menegakkan prinsipnya dalam meningkatkan kinerja pengadilan secara berkelanjutan. Presiden pun mengingatkan bahwa masyarakat makin kritis dalam proses peradilan.
"Saya menyampaikan terima kasih kepada Mahkamah Agung yang terus bekerja keras membenahi diri, terus melakukan reformasi menjadi bagian penting bagi penguatan rule of law dan good governance. Harapan masyarakat pada lembaga pengadilan semakin tinggi. Masyarakat menuntut jaminan keadilan, masyarakat semakin kritis terhadap proses peradilan dan semakin terbuka menyampaikan penilaiannya," ujarnya.
Jokowi turut mengapresiasi perkembangan MA yang telah memutus hingga 99,47 persen perkara pada tahun 2023. Namun, Presiden mengingatkan bahwa MA juga perlu mengutamakan kualitas putusan, bukan hanya dari sisi kuantitas.
"Yang paling utama adalah kualitas putusan, bahwa putusan pengadilan harus memberikan rasa keadilan, memberikan kepastian hukum dan mendukung pembangunan bangsa dan negara menuju Indonesia Maju," tandasnya.
Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized that the quality of judges' human resources (HR) is key in the justice system. The quality of the judge's human resources includes integrity, professionalism and sensitivity to society's sense of justice and current developments.
This was conveyed by Jokowi at the Special Session of the Annual Report of the Supreme Court (MA) of the Republic of Indonesia for 2023, at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta, Tuesday (20/02).
"The quality of the judge's human resources is key, their integrity, professionalism, sensitivity to society's sense of justice, sensitivity to current developments, including developments in science and technology," he said.
Therefore, Jokowi appreciates the innovations carried out by the Supreme Court as part of efforts to encourage the acceleration of legal transformation in the country, one of which is through a decision support system.
"Innovation must be part of reform, not only by adopting new technology but also perspective and sensitivity in resolving legal cases, for example implementing a restorative justice system as a breakthrough in resolving cases," he said.
Furthermore, Jokowi also welcomed the internal reforms carried out by the Supreme Court to uphold its principles of improving court performance in a sustainable manner. The President also reminded that the public is increasingly critical in the judicial process.
"I would like to express my gratitude to the Supreme Court which continues to work hard to improve itself, continues to carry out reforms which are an important part of strengthening the rule of law and good governance. The public's expectations of judicial institutions are increasingly high. The public demands guarantees of justice, the public is increasingly critical of the judicial process and "more openly conveying his assessment," he said.
Jokowi also appreciated the development of the Supreme Court which has decided up to 99.47 percent of cases by 2023. However, the President reminded that the Supreme Court also needs to prioritize the quality of decisions, not just quantity.
"The most important thing is the quality of the decision, that the court decision must provide a sense of justice, provide legal certainty and support the development of the nation and state towards an advanced Indonesia," he said.