Megawati Akan Ditetapkan Pimpin PDIP di Kongres Bali
Megawati Expected to Reelect as Leader of Indonesian Rulling Political Party
Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) pada Kongres IV di Bali pada 8-12 April akan mengukuhkan kembali Megawati Soekarnoputri sebagai ketua umum partai periode 2015-2020.
"Pengukuhan Ibu Megawati untuk melanjutkan kepemimpinannya sebagai ketua umum PDI Perjuangan selama lima tahun ke depan merupakan wujud dari proses demokrasi musyawarah mufakat dan demokrasi terpimpin," kata Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal Dewan Pimpinan Pusat PDIP Ahmad Basarah di Jakarta, Selasa.
Keputusan mengusung kembali Megawati sebagai ketua umum partai, katanya, telah disepakati pada rapat kerja nasional partai di Semarang, Jawa Tengah pada September 2014.
"Usulan tersebut, pertama kali dilontarkan oleh Presiden terpilih Joko Widodo saat menyampaikan sambutannya, yang kemudian direspons positif oleh peserta," katanya.
Ia juga mengatakan bahwa keputusan tentang penetapan kembali Megawati menjadi ketua umum partai sudah disosialisasikan di semua tingkatan kepengurusan partai.
Jakarta (B2B) - Senior politician of Indonesian rulling party, the Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle, known as the PDIP, Ahmad Basarah is expected to reelect its current leader Megawati Soekarnoputri for another five years at a congress in Bali from April 8 to 12.
"The confirmation of Ibu (Mme) Megawati to continue her leadership as the PDIPs general chairperson for the next five years will realize the principles of dialog in a democratic process and uphold democracy," the PDIPs Deputy Secretary-General Ahmad Basarah told the press at the party headquarters here on Tuesday.
He said the decision to reelect Megawati as the next PDIP general chairperson was made at a national working meeting in Semarang, Central Java province in September 2014.
"The proposal was then first put forth by president-elect Joko Widodo and was supported by the participants of the meeting," he added.
The proposal was later adopted as one of the meetings decisions and introduced to all board members at the subdistrict, district, and provincial levels.