500 Besar Dunia: MenristekDikti Harap PTS Susul Kiprah UI, ITB dan UGM
Indonesian Govt Supports Private Universities Ranked World`s 500 Best Universities`
Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Jakarta (B2B) - Perguruan tinggi swasta (PTS) diharapkan menyusul kiprah Universitas Indonesia (UI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) dan Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) untuk menembus peringkat ´500 Universitas Terbaik Dunia´. Setiap perguruan tinggi memiliki peran sama menyiapkan SDM milenial kreatif, inovatif dan berdaya saing sehingga tidak ada lagi dikotomi perguruan tinggi negeri (PTN) dan PTS.
Menteri Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (MenRistekDikti) Muhammad Nasir mengatakan dalam empat tahun terakhir, kualitas PTS Indonesia meningkat pesat, saat ini ada 36 PTS yang memiliki akreditasi A di seluruh Indonesia.
"Saya apresiasi capaian LLDikti Wilayah Tiga, ada 13 dari 36 PTS di wilayah tiga, diharapkan dapat menjadi contoh LLDikti lain yang belum memiliki PTS terakreditasi A," kata Menteri Nasir.
Dia mengharapkan KemenRistekDikti membina PTS akreditasi B meningkat ke A, dan mendampingi PTS akreditasi C menjadi A.
"Saya telah meminta kepada Dirjen Belmawa, jangan hanya mendampingi akreditasi B ke A, harus ada perhatian khusus untuk peningkatan akreditasi C ke B untuk meningkatkan mutu PTS di Indonesia," kata MenRistekDikti saat membuka Rakorda LLDikti Wilayah III di Jakarta, Selasa (12/2).
Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian private universities or the PTS expected to follow the achievements of Jakarta´s Indonesia University or UI, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Yogyakarta´s Gadjah Mada University (UGM) ranked as the ´World´s 500 Best Universities´. Every university has an equal role to developing millennial HR creative, innovative and competitive so there is no longer a dichotomy between state and private universities.
Minister of Research, Technology and University, Muhammad Nasir said in the past four years, the quality of Indonesian PTS has increased, currently there are 36 PTS that have A accreditation across the country.
"I appreciate PTS achievements in Java, there are 13 out of 36 PTS in region three, it is expected to be an example of other regions that do not have A accreditation PTS," said Minister Nasir.
He expects his ministry to develop B accreditation PTS increases to A, and supports C accreditation to become A.
"I have asked related officials, not only to support B to A accreditation, there must be special attention to increasing C to B accreditation to improve the quality of PTS in Indonesia," Minister Nasir said here on Tuesday (February 12).