Bakrie Life Menunggak Utang Rp250 Miliar kepada Nasabah
Bakrie Life Still Total Debt Rp250 Billion to the Policyholders
Reporter : Gatot Priyantono
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
![Bakrie Life Menunggak Utang Rp250 Miliar kepada Nasabah]( (cbg gm) b.jpg)
Jakarta (B2B) - PT Asuransi Jiwa Bakrie Life masih memiliki utang kepada pemegang polis sekitar Rp 250 miliar dan menyatakan akan menjalankan sisa kewajibannya. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) akan mengawasi proses tersebut agar berjalan lancar.
"Pembayarannya akan mereka lakukan bertahap. Untuk Agustus sudah, tapi Oktober ada keterlambatan," kata Deputi Komisioner Industri Keuangan Non-Bank II Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), Dumoly Pardede, di Jakarta, Jumat (25/10).
Keterlambatan pembayaran pada Oktober, kata Dumoly, karena proses konsolidasi di Grup Bakrie yang tengah menyelesaikan utang-utang di anak usaha lainnya.
"Akibatnya mengalami keterlambatan penyelesaian polis. Tapi pemegang saham tetap komit menyelesaikan kewajibannya," tambahnya.
Sekitar 250 nasabah menanamkan dana di Diamond Investa, produk Bakrie Life. Namun Bakrie Life mengalami kasus gagal bayar saat terjadi krisis finansial global pada 2008. Total kerugian Rp 360 miliar. Hingga kemarin, manajemen Bakrie Life belum berhasil dihubungi untuk dimintai konfirmasi soal penyelesaian kasus dengan nasabahnya tersebut.
Jakarta (B2B) - Insurance company Bakrie Life reportedly still has a total debt of Rp250 billion debts to the policyholders. Bakrie Life said that it would pay the debts and the Financial Service Authority (OJK) would monitor the process.
"They will settle the debts periodically. They´ve paid the August debt but there will be a delay for the payment in October," Deputy Commissioner of Financial Industries of Non-Bank II of the OJK, Dumoly Pardede
said in Jakarta, Friday (25/10).
The delay of payment in October, Pardede pointed out, is triggered by the consolidation process within Bakrie Group, which is also settling debts of its subsidiaries.
"As a result, the payment for the insurance policy is delayed but shareholders are committed to paying the debts," he added.
Around 250 customers made their investment at Diamond Investa, a product of Bakrie Life. However, Bakrie Life suffered a default when global financial crisis struck in 2008, bringing a financial loss of Rp360 billion. As of yesterday, Bakrie Life management could not be reached for confirmation regarding the issue.