Lampaui Nasional, Presiden Jokowi Apresiasi Pencapaian Ekonomi Sulteng
President Jokowi Appreciates Central Sulawesi´s Economic Growth
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Palu, Sulteng [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) memberikan apresiasi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Sulawesi Tengah [Sulteng] yang dinilainya cukup tinggi dan berada di atas pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional.
Hal tersebut disampaikan Presiden dalam keterangan pers usai meninjau Pasar Masomba, Kota Palu, Sulteng, Rabu [30/08] sore.
“Saya melihat ekonomi bagus, saya dapat informasi tadi tumbuh di 13 persen, sudah 2,5 kali lipat ekonomi nasional kita. Artinya, di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah tumbuh sangat baik,” ujar Presiden.
Menurut Presiden, meski pertumbuhan ekonomi di Sulteng cukup tinggi harga sejumlah komoditas pangan di wilayah tersebut cenderung stabil.
“Harga-harga di sini tadi stabil, ayam di Rp25 ribu, kemudian bawang merah Rp23 ribu. Bagus, itu bagus. Harga-harga bisa terkendali tapi pertumbuhan ekonominya ini yang diinginkan seperti itu dan rakyat pasti merasakan,” ujarnya.
Presiden pun meminta agar kepala daerah di Sulteng mendorong industri yang ada, seperti industri nikel, untuk memanfaatkan produk masyarakat di daerah tersebut. Hal ini diyakini Presiden dapat terus meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di kawasan.
“Saya tadi sudah titip ke Gubernur agar industri-industri nikel yang ada di sini, misalnya katering, katering yang megang mestinya orang daerah, yang menyetor telur, daerah, yang menyetor ayam mentah, daerah. Sehingga ada efek pertumbuhan ekonominya betul-betul ke daerah, tidak semuanya menjadi agregat nasional,” tandasnya
Palu, Central Sulawesi [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed his appreciation for the economic growth of Central Sulawesi [Central Sulawesi] which he assessed as quite high and above national economic growth.
The President conveyed this in a press statement after visiting the Masomba Market, Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Wednesday [30/08] afternoon.
"I see a good economy, I received information earlier that it is growing at 13 percent, already 2.5 times our national economy. "This means that Central Sulawesi Province is growing very well," said the President.
According to the President, even though economic growth in Central Sulawesi is quite high, the prices of a number of food commodities in the region tend to be stable.
"Prices here were stable, chicken at IDR 25 thousand, then red onions IDR 23 thousand. Great, that's great. "Prices can be controlled, but this is the kind of economic growth that is desired and the people will definitely feel it," he said.
The President also asked regional heads in Central Sulawesi to encourage existing industries, such as the nickel industry, to utilize the products of the people in the area. The President believes this can continue to increase economic growth in the region.
"I have entrusted it to the Governor to ensure that the nickel industries here, for example catering, should be local people, those who deposit eggs, regional, those who deposit raw chicken, regional. "So there is an effect of economic growth that really affects the regions, not all of them in the national aggregate," he stressed