Anas, Eksepsinya Ditolak Pengadilan Tipikor Jakarta
Indonesian Anti-corruption Court Deny a Plea of Former Chairman Rulling Party
Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Majelis hakim Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi menolak eksepsi atau pernyataan keberatan Anas Urbaningrum, mantan ketua Partai Demokrat. Anas diadili dalam perkara dugaan menerima komisi dari proyek-proyek pemerintah dan tindak pidana pencucian uang.
Ketua majelis hakim, Haswandi, dalam sidang di pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, di Jakarta, Kamis, menyatakan eksepsi itu ditolak dan sidang tetap dilanjutkan.
Terdakwa diduga menerima komisi 7% hingga 20% dari Permai Grup yang berasal dari proyek-proyek APBN, berupa satu mobil Toyota Harrier (Rp670 juta), satu mobil Toyota Vellfire (Rp735 juta), survei pemenangan Rp478,6 juta dan uang Rp116,52 miliar, dan 5,26 juta dolar Amerika Serikat dari berbagai proyek.
Dakwaan kedua, Urbaningrum juga diduga menyamarkan harta kekayaannya hingga mencapai Rp23,88 miliar yaitu terdiri penyamaran harta kekayaan hingga Rp20,88 miliar untuk pembelian sebidang tanah dan bangunan saat menjabat sebagai anggota DPR pada periode 2009-2010.
Dakwaan ketiga, dia diduga menyamarkan harta kekayaan melalui PT Arina Kota Jaya seluas 5.000-10.000 Hektare, di Kecamantan Bengalon dan Kecamatan Kongbeng Kabupaten Kutai Timur.
Namun putusan untuk menolak eksepsi tersebut diwarnai perbedaan pendapat (dissenting opinion) dari dua anggota majelis hakim yaitu hakim anggota, Slamet Subaygo dan Joko Subagyo.
Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian Anti-Corruption Court on Thursday denied a plea made by former chairman of rulling party, Anas Urbaningrum against the Indonesian Anti-graft Commission (KPK) indictment.
"We deny the defendants plea. With regard to this decision, the defendant has been given time to either accept or appeal to a higher court. Meanwhile, the investigation of corruption case involving the defendant will continue and a trial will be held twice a week considering the many witnesses in this case," Chief of Judge Haswandi announced during a court session on Thursday.
Commenting on the verdict, Anas expressed hope that he will be given a fair trial.
"I want a fair trial and not judged. I believe that the judges and prosecutors also expect a fair result from this trial," Anas said.
On February 22, 2012, Anas was named a suspect on charges of violating several articles of the corruption laws by accepting bribes or gifts, which carry a sentence of four to 20 years and a fine of Rp200 million to Rp one billion.
Anas was said to have accepted 7-20 percent of fee from Permai Company Group from projects handled by the company using the State Budget (APBN). The fee was in the form of a Toyota Harrier car worth Rp670 million, Toyota Vellfire car worth Rp735 million, a survey activity costing Rp478.6 million, and cash worth Rp116.52 billion as well as US$5.26 million.
Anas was also said to have not revealed his real fortune, which could reach Rp23.88 billion.