Masalah Rempang, Presiden Jokowi Minta Kedepankan Kepentingan Masyarakat
Regarding Rempang, President Jokowi Asks to Put Community Interests First
Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Jakarta [B2B] - Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menegaskan bahwa penyelesaian masalah Rempang harus dilakukan secara baik dengan tetap mengedepankan kepentingan masyarakat sekitar.
Hal tersebut diungkapkan oleh Menteri Investasi/Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM), Bahlil Lahadalia, dalam keterangan persnya usai mengikuti rapat terbatas terkait penyelesaian masalah rempang yang dipimpin oleh Jokowi.
"Tadi Bapak Presiden dalam arahan rapat pertama adalah untuk penyelesaian masalah Rempang harus dilakukan secara baik, secara betul-betul kekeluargaan, dan tetap mengedepankan hak-hak dan kepentingan masyarakat di sekitar di mana lokasi itu diadakan," ujar Bahlil.
Bahlil mengatakan, dirinya beberapa hari lalu sudah berkunjung ke Pulau Rempang dan melakukan pertemuan dengan masyarakat. Dari hasil kunjungan tersebut, kata Bahlil, diperoleh solusi untuk melakukan pergeseran rumah warga ke area yang masih berada di Pulau Rempang, bukan relokasi atau penggusuran.
"Tadinya kita mau relokasi dari Rempang ke Galang, tapi sekarang hanya dari Rempang ke kampung yang masih ada di Rempang," tuturnya.
Menteri Investasi mengatakan, warga terdampak akan dipindahkan ke Tanjung Banun, dan dari total sekitar 900 kepala keluarga (KK) sebanyak 300 KK sudah bersedia dipindahkan. Masyarakat yang dipindahkan tersebut, kata Bahlil, akan diberikan penghargaan berupa tanah dengan sertifikat hak milik seluas 500 meter persegi serta dibangunkan rumah tipe 45.
"Apabila ada rumah yang lebih dari tipe 45 dengan harga Rp120 juta, apabila ada yang lebih, nanti dinilai oleh KJPP [Kantor Jasa Penilai Publik] nilainya berapa, itu yang akan diberikan," ujarnya.
Selain itu, lanjut Bahlil, pada masa transisi untuk pergeseran tersebut masyarakat juga akan mendapatkan uang tunggu sebesar Rp1,2 juta per orang dan uang kontrak rumah sebesar Rp1,2 juta per KK.
"Jadi kalau satu KK itu ada empat orang, maka dia mendapatkan uang tunggu Rp4,8 juta dan uang kontrak rumah Rp1,2 juta, jadi total kurang lebih sekitar Rp6 juta. Itu cara perhitungannya. Kemudian, di dalam proses pergeseran tersebut ada tanaman, ada keramba, itu juga akan dihitung dan akan diganti berdasarkan aturan yang berlaku oleh BP Batam," kata Bahlil.
Bahlil menekankan, dari 17 ribu hektare lahan di Pulau Rempang hanya sekitar 8 ribu hektare lahan saja yang bisa dikelola dan pembangunan industri di Pulau tersebut hanya akan menggunakan lahan seluas 2.300 hektare.
"Dari 17 ribu hektare areal Pulau Rempang, yang bisa dikelola hanya 7 ribu [hektare] lebih hingga 8 ribu [hektare] selebihnya hutan lindung. Dan kami fokus pada 2.300 hektare tahap awal untuk pembangunan industri yang sudah kami canangkan tersebut untuk membangun ekosistem pabrik kaca dan solar panel," tandasnya.
Jakarta [B2B] - Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized that the resolution of the Rempang problem must be carried out properly while still prioritizing the interests of the surrounding community.
This was stated by the Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Bahlil Lahadalia, in his press statement after attending a limited meeting related to resolving the gap problem which was chaired by Jokowi.
"Earlier, Mr. President, in the direction of the first meeting, was that the resolution of the Rempang problem must be carried out well, in a truly amicable manner, and still prioritizing the rights and interests of the community around where the location was held," said Bahlil.
Bahlil said that several days ago he had visited Rempang Island and held meetings with the community. From the results of the visit, said Bahlil, a solution was obtained to shift residents' houses to areas still on Rempang Island, rather than relocation or eviction.
"Previously we wanted to relocate from Rempang to Galang, but now only from Rempang to the village which is still in Rempang," he said.
The Minister of Investment said that the affected residents would be moved to Tanjung Banun, and out of a total of around 900 heads of families (KK), 300 families were ready to be moved. The relocated community, said Bahlil, will be given an award in the form of land with a certificate of ownership covering an area of 500 square meters and a type 45 house will be built.
"If there is a house that is more than type 45 with a price of Rp. 120 million, if there is more, then the KJPP [Public Appraisal Services Office] will assess how much it is worth, that's what will be given," he said.
Apart from that, continued Bahlil, during the transition period for this shift, the community will also receive waiting money of IDR 1.2 million per person and house contract money of IDR 1.2 million per family.
"So if there are four people in one family, then they get waiting money of IDR 4.8 million and house contract money of IDR 1.2 million, so the total is around IDR 6 million. That's the calculation method. Then, in the shifting process there are plants, "There are cages, they will also be counted and will be replaced based on the applicable regulations by BP Batam," said Bahlil.
Bahlil emphasized that of the 17 thousand hectares of land on Rempang Island, only around 8 thousand hectares of land can be managed and industrial development on the island will only use 2,300 hectares of land.
"Of the 17 thousand hectares of Rempang Island, only 7 thousand [hectares] can be managed, up to 8 thousand [hectares] of which are protected forests. And we are focusing on the 2,300 hectares in the initial stage for industrial development which we have planned to build a glass factory ecosystem and solar panels," he said.