Presiden SBY Diminta KPK Hormati Proses Hukum Kasus Century
Indonesian President Asks to Respect the Legal Settlement of Century`s Legal Process
Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi
Jakarta (B2B) - Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) meminta kepada semua pihak termasuk Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono agar menghormati proses hukum dalam kasus dugaan korupsi pemberian FPJP dan penetapan Bank Century sebagai bank gagal berdampak sistemik dengan tersangka Budi Mulya.
"Kami mohon semua pihak untuk menghormati proses hukum yang sedang berjalan di persidangan. Sekarang lihat saja seperti apa. Termasuk KPK sendiri menghormati proses itu sendiri. Ini adalah domain hukum," kata Juru Bicara KPK Johan Budi di Jakarta, kepada pers terkait pernyataan presiden untuk Century.
Dalam proses hukum itu, kata Johan, semua pihak harus menghormati persidangan dengan menyerahkan kepada hakim yang menguji kebenaran bukti-bukti yang disodorkan KPK. "Kuat atau tidak buktinya sehingga diputus bersalah atau tidak agar diuji hakim persidangan."
Sebagaimana diberitakan, presiden angkat bicara tentang proses hukum Deputi Gubernur Bank Indonesia nonaktif, Budi Mulya, pascapersidangan perkara tindak pidana korupsi pemberian FPJP dan penetapan Bank Century sebagai bank gagal berdampak sistemik.
SBY menyampaikan beberapa hal yaitu kebijakan FPJP maupun dana talangan atau bailout Century tidak dapat diadili. Namun jika ada penerapan yang menyimpang dari kebijakan itu maka dapat dipidanakan.
Selain itu, SBY mengatakan dirinya tidak mengetahui proses penetapan FPJP karena saat itu sedang berada di Lima, Peru guna Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi APEC dan KTT G-20 di Washington DC, Amerika Serikat.
Karena sedang berada di luar negeri, SBY juga mengatakan tidak mendapatkan laporan dari Ketua Komite Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan (KSSK) Sri Mulyani dan Gubernur Bank Indonesia saat itu Boediono terkait FPJP.
Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian Anti-graft Agency (KPK) has appealed to all sides, including President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, to respect the legal settlement of the alleged graft case related to the bailout of Bank Century.
"We appeal to all sides to respect the ongoing legal process. Lets see how it is. The KPK itself respects it. This is a legal domain," KPK spokesman Johan Budi said here on Tuesday.
Johan was responding to a statement by President Yudhoyono on the Bank Century bailout case.
He said all sides must leave the legal process to the court to examine the truth of evidence provided by the KPK.
"It is the court which has the authority to decide whether or not the evidence is strong or whether or not the case is wrong," he said.
For the first time ever, President Yudhoyono commented on the Bank Century bailout case, saying that it is being handled by the anti-corruption court but a policy cannot be tried.
He was quoted by Kompas daily on Tuesday as saying that none of state officials dare to make any policy if it can be tried.
This leading Indonesian newspaper also noted that it was the head of states first statement on the bailout of Bank Century (now Bank Mutiara) case after the anti-corruption court tried Budi Mulya, former Bank Indonesia deputy governor, as defendant last Thursday.
However, if the policies were wrongly implemented for the sake of vested interests, including personal interest of those in charge, they were subject to criminal law, he said.
President Yudhoyono further said he was in Peru when the decision to bailout the troubled Bank Century was made in November 2008. He was neither reported nor asked to give his opinion about the decision, he said as quoted by Kompas.
The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) said the bailout had caused Rp 689.3 billion in losses to the state while the determining of Bank Century as a failed bank with systemic impacts caused IDR6.76 trillion in losses to the state, bringing the total amount of state losses to IDR7.4 trillion.