Badan Litbang KKP Gelar Forum Inovasi Teknologi Akuakultur 2015
Aquaculture Technology Innovation Forum held by Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs
Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Bogor, Jawa Barat (B2B) - Aspek pengembangan dan inovasi teknologi akuakultur merupakan salah satu tulang punggung pencapaian target menjadikan Indonesia sebagai produsen perikanan terbesar di dunia.
‘’Untuk mengejar target itu diperlukan beragam teknologi yang inovatif, tepat guna, efektif dan mudah diterapkan oleh stakeholders yang terlibat langsung maupun tidak langsung dalam sistem produksi akuakultur,’’ kata Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) Achmad Poernomo di ICC Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) pada Senin (8/6).
Hal tersebut dikemukakan Achmad Poernomo pada Forum Inovasi Teknologi Akuakultur (FITA) 2015, yang mengusung tema “Inovasi Teknologi Akuakultur dalam Mendukung Kedaulatan Pangan dan Perikanan Lestari,” yang akan berlangsung hingga Selasa (9/6).
Menurutnya, salah satu upaya untuk merealisasikan tantangan tersebut dan dalam rangka mempercepat pertumbuhan produksi akuakultur di Indonesia, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan Budidaya bekerjasama dengan IPB menyelenggarakan FITA 2015.
"FITA 2015 akan membahas berbagai karya inovasi terkini dari empat kelompok bidang ilmu: teknologi akuakultur berkelanjutan, nutrisi dan teknologi pakan, kesehatan ikan, genetika, dan reproduksi akuakultur," kata Achmad Poernomo.
Dia menambahkan, kegiatan FITA 2015 terdiri atas empat kegiatan. Pertama, plenary session berupa presentasi keynote speaker dari dalam dan luar negeri yang terkait dengan kebijakan pemerintahan baru di bidang akuakultur dan perkembangan teknologi terbaru di akuakultur.
Sesi pelo menampilkan tiga pembicara utama, yaitu Dr. Fatuchri Sukadi membahas Peluang dan tantangan pengembangan perikanan budidaya dalam mendukung poros maritim, Prof. Shunsuke Koshio membahas tema Development of maturation diet for crustacean and fish broodstocks, dan Dr. Farshad Shishehcian membahas Current status of advanced technology for shrimp/mariculture in tropical countries. Bertindak sebagai moderator sesi ini adalah Prof Dr. Ketut Sugama.
Bogor, Indonesia (B2B) - Aspects of the development, and technological innovation aquaculture is one of the backbone of the achievement of Indonesia became the largest fishery producer in the world.
"To pursue that goal required a variety of innovative technology, efficient, effective, and easy to apply by stakeholders involved directly or indirectly in aquaculture production systems," said the Head of Research and Development of the Indonesian Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, Achmad Purnomo at the ICC of Bogor Agriculture Institute on Monday (8/6).
Mr Poernomo said that in 2015 Aquaculture Technology Innovation Forum (FITA), which carries the theme 'Aquaculture Technology Innovation Support Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Fisheries," which lasts until Tuesday (9/6).
According to him, one of the efforts to realize these challenges, and in order to accelerate the growth of aquaculture production in Indonesia, Center for Aquaculture Research and Development cooperation with Bogor Agriculture Institute held 2015 FITA.
"2015 FITA will discuss the latest innovations work of four fields of science: sustainable aquaculture technology, nutrition and food technology, fish health, genetics and reproduction of aquaculture," Mr Poernomo said.
He was added that the activities of 2015 FITA divided by four activities. First, the plenary session in the form of keynote speaker presentations from Indonesia and abroad related to the new government policy in the field of aquaculture, and the latest technological developments in aquaculture.
The three main speakers at the session pelo: Dr. Fatuchri Sukadi discuss the opportunities and challenges the development of aquaculture in support of maritime axle, Prof. Shunsuke Koshio discuss the theme of development of maturation diet for crustaceans and fish broodstocks, and Dr. Farshad Shishehcian discuss the current status of advanced technology for shrimp/mariculture in tropical countries. Acting as moderator of this session is Prof. Dr. Ketut Sugama.